Rear spoiler brackets.

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7173 Mustang Supporter Member
Jun 27, 2013
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Zimmerman, MN 55398
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Can anyone recommend a vendor who sells the rear spoiler brackets? My drivers side one broke on me yesterday, so I have had to remove the spoiler for the time being…but I also have holes in my trunk lid that look crappy now. Can I buy just the brackets? I saw on another thread that these were made of cast metal, but mine look like they are plastic? 




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Since I had received a PM recently about the Ford spoiler pedestals,  I would like to add this additional info if other forum members had any questions about the OE style rear spoiler.
The pedestals were never released separately as a service part, so there was never a part number assigned to them by Ford. (The same thing on the '69 and 70 spoilers) Telling someone they had to purchase a spoiler to get a replacement pedestal was not always a pleasant experience. If your pedestal is a genuine Ford piece, it should have a D1ZB-6344226-AWA engineering number cast on the underside. Ford discontinued the spoiler kit in 1981, so NOS parts are scarce.
As Hemikiller posted, repo pedestals are available for the '71-73's that I believe are die-cast metal. It's hard to believe that there is yet another repo part available for the '71-73s.

Looks like you might be able to epoxy it back together and provide at least a temporary fix until you find a replacement.
I thought of that too, but I would be nervous about it flying off the car on the highway.  :classic_unsure: Then I would have to buy an entire wing kit!

Thanks for the link. Has anyone purchased these from NPD? The picture on the website doesn't work for me and I would like to make sure it looks the same as what I have on my car. I'm assuming my wing kit is OE from Ford, but you never know, it could have been messed with by a PO. I didn't see a part number on them.

The originals are not plastic. I have a set from NPD and they are a very close replacement for originals, and they are metal. The set I have match up to the original spoiler. Good luck!!


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