Replacing the convertible latch handle

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Nov 30, 2012
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Twin Falls, ID
My Car
1973 Convertible, 351CJ, 5 Speed. Currently being restored. Projected finish date is some day.....
I need to replace the left latch handle before I have my new top installed. I have been able to disassemble everything except the pin. It is press fit and doesn't have a lot of room to work with. The service manual makes it sound simple. NOT!! Who has replaced theirs, and how did you do it?

So I just reread your post and realized that you top/roof is off! My was not not and I needed lift the canvas up and away to access everything. That was a pain.

In my case the handle was the only busted part and the other 'pieces' were ok. If I remembered correctly I needed get the big posi-drive screw out, then drill some rivets out. I replaced the rivets with barrel bolts or binding barrels. They are called sex bolts also. I can't remember the size. I remember I wasn't really happy with bolts since they were aluminum. I would try to find steel or stainless. I'll need to dig around to see if I have additional photos. The repair was 5 years ago and fuzzy in my head.

Update: The handle I purchased did not fit all the well either!! No surprise there. Look for used one. Also I needed to paint the replacement. Had to use something (primer) for the spray to ahere to.

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