Something to think about when you walk through Wal-mart

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Jan 20, 2011
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Ancaster, Ontario
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73 Mustang Convertible

08 Bullet
This should boggle your mind!! And Probably scare you as well!

1. At Wal-Mart, Americans spend $36,000,000 every hour of every day.

2. This works out to $20,928 profit every minute!

3. Wal-Mart will sell more from January 1 to St. Patrick's Day (March 17th) than Target sells all year.

4. Wal-Mart is bigger than Home Depot + Kroger + Target + Sears + Costco + K-Mart combined.

5. Wal-Mart employs 1.6 million people and is the largest private employer, and most can't speak English.

6. Wal-Mart is the largest company in the history of the world.

7. Wal-Mart now sells more food than Kroger & Safeway combined, keep in mind they did this in only 15 years.

8. During this same period, 31 Supermarket chains sought bankruptcy.

9. Wal-Mart now sells more food than any other store in the world.

10. Wal-Mart has approx 3,900 stores in the USA of which 1,906 are Super Centers; this is 1,000 more than it had 5 years ago.

11. This year, 7.2 billion different purchasing experiences will occur At a Wal-Mart store. (Earth's population is approximately 6.5 billion.)

12. 90% of all Americans live within 15 miles of a Wal-Mart.

13. The value of product for Wal-Mart passing through the port of San Diego each year is a larger sum than 93% of ALL countries Gross National Product (GNP) .....and that is only ONE port way – that’s how Wal-Mart gets it's stuff.

14. Of the 1.6 million employees, only 1.2% make a living above the poverty level.

15. Wal-Mart's head office is located and centralized in Bentonville. Due to this fact, there are more millionaires per square mile there than any place on Earth.

16. The official U.S. Government position is that Wal-Mart's prices are no lower than anyone else's when compared to a typical families weekly purchases. That's the view of the statisticians at the Bureau Of Labor Statistics (BLS) responsible for calculating the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

17. 92% of everything Wal-Mart sells, comes from China . Another 4% comes from Chinese owned companies in the U.S. or in 3rd world Countries.

18. Wal-Mart and MOST large companies, take out life insurance on it's employees, without their knowing. If an employee dies, ALL the insurance moneys go to the companies. i.e. An employee making $18,000 per year, dies, and the company might make as much as $1 million. Most often these moneys, coming from what is commonly referred to as "Dead Peasant Life Insurance Policies", is paid out to executives as bonuses. (A common practice, unknown by the average consumer).

19. Wal-Mart now averages a "profit" (not sales) of $36 billion per year.

20. Let Wal-Mart bail out Wall Street. If not, consider shopping someplace else.

If we closed all the Wal-mart stores would China go bankrupt?????????

Don't get me started. I am personally banning my self from this thread. What I have to say is not nice and is not for a family oriented site .:mad: And I don't want to get involved in the politics of it. hahaha

I shop Wal-Mart as I do other free market outlets that offer me a product I want at a competive price. I refuse to pay more for a product to support ideologies...unless it's on a muscle car.

I only buy my coffee at walmart...Cant beat there price...32 oz of coffee for 14 bucks ....Everything else i buy at a local store for the same price or cheaper to my suprize when i tried to buy them at walmart....And i cant stand walmart check outs...We got 3 of them within 30 miles...Everyone of them a nightmare...A million cash registers and people..And only 2 the self help check out...Sometimes works..But can end up being a nightmare too..I was in a rush and decided to buy a space heater and run out...went to a self check out...Rang it up...Fed it some money..And nothing...Damn thing stole my money..I had to track down a walmart person..And ended up sitting there for 30 min as they found managers and keys..and opened the machine..Got my money out...I left steemed...I never seen a place so hard to check out at....One time i got over 200 dollars in food and sat there on a friday night and only 1 check out open and the lady was 70 years old...i stood in line so long..i finaly pushed my food cart out of the way and walked out with got so many stories like that about malmart....My freind use to work at their warehouse...I tell you what...He told me you buy anything from there keep your recept..He seen people kick the crap out of stuff unloading it...Said he seen fools throwing computers around like rubber

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Living where I do, it's a major 30 mile trip to the nearest Walmart for me. While I have mixed reactions to what walmart/sams club stands for. My bottom line is my highest concern. If I can hold out and can wait till my trip to town I will get it at walmart, if not I will run nearest town (14 miles) and get it. With Gas prices, Food prices, lack of security in retirement funds, Stock market in limbo, I have to look out for number 1, my kids and my faimly. If I can save 30 dollars at walmart verus someother place then I'm going too plain and simple. To me every dollar counts in todays market, have to save where I can cause the only helping hand you will ever be able to count on is at the end of your own arm.

Walmart is successful because people shop there. They like the low prices and being able to pick up most everything at one place. If Walmart's approach to their employee's was a more important satisfier than low prices they would shop elsewhere. They don't.

I don't buy much there mostly because I don't like the quality of a lot of there stuff. I would want to fact check (if I cared) all of the stats listed above. (No offense to poster)

It's sad that you think it's wrong for a company to make money. As far as the workers go ,nobody is holding a gun to their head to work there. If you don't like the policy of the store don't shop there. Why should Wal-Mart bail out anybody? How about we are responsible for ourselves! This is America,you should not be ashamed to be successful.

It's sad that you think it's wrong for a company to make money. As far as the workers go ,nobody is holding a gun to their head to work there. If you don't like the policy of the store don't shop there. Why should Wal-Mart bail out anybody? How about we are responsible for ourselves! This is America,you should not be ashamed to be successful.
I don't think it's sad for a company to make money, all the more power to the companies that do! .....I was just amazed at some of the stats that were posted.

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One thing I admire about Wal-Mart is they promote within, I've got a nephew who started off at the bottom right out of High School and now he's a store manager with nothing more than Wal-Mart experience and a High School education. There are very few businesses that still follow that practice; most tend to have a hierarchy based upon background and education that keeps everyone in their proper roles!

I agree their products tend to be lower end and the service isn't the best but I don't go there for the experience, I go there to get items that I need at a fair price and leave. Heck, they don't even have charging stations for my Mach 1 but I suck it up for the savings. As far as the people that shop there...they're from all walks of life many of which are struggling to just get by.

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Walmart is all badazz with their tactical approach to suppliers except ONE ... the oil and gas industry.:D:D:D:D met their match and o&g suppliers throw their attitude right back at them.

Oh and I guess I could add myself to that list. Told them to go eff themselves. The buyer actually said to me "you need to do business with us"

I told him.... " mistake me for stupid" My competitor got the deal and they ruined him after suckering him in.:D

For the record.... Walmart pulls some nasty business tactics as it relates to charity for the local communities too. I've been around it for many years and at best they are ruthless.
