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How goes the cranking? I mean, the engine turns but does it turns relatively fast and easy?

Also if you test with a multimeter, remove all wires from coil. set to 20k-ohm, place the red wire of the meter to the plus pole of the coil, and the black wire

to center (where the plug wire to dist is). You should get more than 11. ideally 13 something. If you are bellow, your coil secondary is having a resistance, and even at right timing, spark will be too weak to ignite anything.

Another test, after you cranked, if you remove any plug, is there any smel of fuel on it, even wet?
Tested the coil with multimeter at 20k ohm and measured 9.5

It's a brand new pertronix coil, like I said I give up for now and focus on something else.

I won't be cranking this motor anymore until I can figure out what the problem is.

Make sure that little bare ground wire is in place and connected in the distributor, from one of the screws on the points to the distributor base. If not, the points won't provide a ground to the coil to charge the primary side of the coil. When the points are closed you should get 6 to 8 volts on the coil positive terminal and 12+ when the points are open.
Bare wire is in place and tight, I have a Pertronix module that's been in the car for at least 25 years.

I've got 12 Volts to the positive side of the coil and measure 12 Volts on negative side too. Last time  I drove the car was 3 years ago and she ran fine.

See if the voltage fluctuates on the negative coil terminal while cranking. If the Pertronix is working it will switch from ground to open as the distributor cam/sensor turns.

See if the voltage fluctuates on the negative coil terminal while cranking. If the Pertronix is working it will switch from ground to open as the distributor cam/sensor turns.
Yes Don, voltage fluctuates while cranking! I'll have to leave it be for now or I'll go nuts and focus on other things around the car, it's my therapy  :p

Looked specs for pertronix coil flame thrower, they have lower resistances

Most doc I've found is average 1.5 Ohms on primary (+ and - on testMeter) , 10.6k Ohms on secondary. ( -pole and output pole on testmeter)

Their own specs

Even with some fluctuations, you should be fine. I recall you dismantled the dist. Next in line to break the circuit would be the small wire on the dist plate. if there, I'd loosen the small screws a bit and screw them back a few time to ensure you have a good connection. I'd brush the rotor top, and check poles on the cap.

If you run a pertronix, make sure the distance stays equal when plate rotates using their provided spacer (or use a 1mm thick piece of whatever). I've seen on my autolite dist that if I would have installed the pertronix following their drawing, it would fail on this dist, because the top plate doesn't rotate from center of the dist. Once under vacuum, it would be too near, potentially touching the shaft at low rpm, and too far away at higher.

Assuming you have unbroken wires, correct firing order set on dist to cyls and proper gap at (dry) plug, 0.045/1.1mm, cyl 1 aligned on crank pulley 0-10 deg, you should make some noise, even if you are off by a full rotation, you would get back fires. If again really nothing, then there is something else at play, but that's not the ignition.

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UPDATE! I got my engine running and boy, does she sound great and healthy. A few months back I mentioned I had fuel, spark etc. and the engine even back fired once. But little did I know! I know now my 26 year old Pertronix 1 module had crapped out. I ordered a new Pertronix 1 but it was on back order, so I waited for a month, then called and was told it'll be another month, so I cancelled the sale and got one from another source. Installed the new unit and she fired right up. Oh HAPPY DAY!! Timing was right on the nose too LOL 

:thankyouyellow: to everyone for any help!
