Sweet Photoshop


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How do I purchase your basic Photoshop?

Their website offers various options, which

one do you use?

The only other image processing software,

besides what comes with your basic digital

camera/camcorder, I use is Maxim DL for

astrophotography from Cyanogen.


There's quite a few different versions but I use cs5. Its the one I learned on and the one I'm used to most. If you want to just try out I heard adobe has cs2 on there website for free. There is a bit of a learning curve, I took a digital photography class in highschool and to be honest my work is very amature compared to what professionals can do. But there's a lot of free tutorials online and that's always a great place to start.

Cant pass up a photoshop offer like that. Could you take this one and add white to the hood that works up around the hood scoops. Thanks!

It was hard to find a hood stripe that matched the angle so I freehanded this one. Hopefully its a good enough representation of what your looking for.::thumb::


That looks really cool. I have zero experience with photoshop. I do love the slotted rims on my 73 coupe, but I've been wondering how it would look with stock magnum 500 wheels. If that is something you could do without too much trouble, that would be great!
I have Magnums on my 73 coupe and i love them. They look great i believe mine are 15's.

Nice job with the PS - you've obviously got some skillz! ;)

Ya know - I used to draw (physically, with a pencil and stuff) cars that had tires that wide when I was a kid. Seeing an actual picture (albeit, Photoshopped) of a car with tires as wide as I used to draw just makes me realize just how goofy my drawings probably looked to other people. I'm not trying to be mean, or anything - but I think if you were to go about halfway on the width of the rear tire (showing), I think it would look a lot more realistic... and impressive.

Otherwise - not bad. Personally, I'm not a 'shaved' kinda guy, so it looks a little odd not having the markers and door handles. Chopping the roof makes it very 'Mach 1-like,' which I think would look cool on a coupe (the 'notched' rear window would be almost Corvette-like with a chop job).
I was just going for extreme. Maybe something id go for if i had more money than i knew what to do with. Thats what makes photoshop fun, its all about what ifs. Everyone has their own styles thats what makes a site like this great.
Thanks a ton! I do like that look of the white detail on the hood and have been wondering since I saw this pic what it would look like. That's my choice, if I ever get around to body work. LOL Thanks again.

Thanks a ton! I do like that look of the white detail on the hood and have been wondering since I saw this pic what it would look like. That's my choice, if I ever get around to body work. LOL Thanks again.
Not a problem I think it looks awesome too!

And thanks everyone for all the positive feedback.


THANKS! That is really cool. I have to say I really do envy people with artistic talent... I have none.

I'd like to get some input on what everyone thinks on which rims look better on the car.

With the magnums:

or with the slotted rims:
Pictures aren't showing up for me


THANKS! That is really cool. I have to say I really do envy people with artistic talent... I have none.

I'd like to get some input on what everyone thinks on which rims look better on the car.

With the magnums:


or with the slotted rims:

No problem man! Fixed it for ya bud.

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Yeah I agree with Totalled and slobin3d those slots look awesome.

I'm leaning towards trying to find a set of those to replace my rims when the time comes. They just fit the car persona so well

I have Magnums on my 73 coupe and i couldnt be happier. I know they weren't available in 73 but they seem to with my car well.


All honesty though i think slots look just as good. I think where you'll start to get real improvement is maybe with a slightly bigger version of either. I think both styles oversized are awesome.


Thanks again Submit, not sure why the pics didn't show up last night. I do most of my forum stuff on my son's tablet. I thought putting the pictures together would make it easier to pick what looks better. My wife thought it would look better with the magnums, but seeing them side by side she pick the slotted rims, so did my kids. I think I'll be keeping the slotted rims for a while. You're right though, bigger in either would look better. You're Coupe looks awesome in white, so clean. Enjoy!


THANKS! That is really cool. I have to say I really do envy people with artistic talent... I have none.

I'd like to get some input on what everyone thinks on which rims look better on the car.

With the magnums:


or with the slotted rims:

No problem man! Fixed it for ya bud.
Don't think you could go wrong with either of those choices. Your car looks awesome either way!!!

Hey thanks! You know l like both equal. My dad picked magnums for it years ago, I'm glad I didn't make the decision because it would have taken me forever to make up my mind. Also my car was actually originally blue glow (and looking at yours was really making me go back one day.)

I vote slots since it was a one year only item for our cars. I plan to run them on my 73.

Blue glow is the bomb!
