Terrible storms


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During a reporter's story on TV, I noticed a red 70 1/2 Camaro with the little rear spoiler. I'm not the best on determining a year of a Camaro, but I know I'm close...

All you could see was the rear of the car. It was in the garage but much of the house and roof was damaged or gone. It made me think about how tough it would be to loose a prized possession after many years of care. I'm not comparing it to the loss of a loved one/family member. But it would still have to be tough. Just hope they are heavily insured.


The tornado went about 1/2 of a mile away from my school.

Getting home was a nightmare because almost every intersection was either backed up with traffic or was closed with down power lines.

A 10 minute drive home from school turned into a 4 hour drive just to get home.

So many people I work with have either lost everything or one of their family members have.

Terrible. I wish this on NO ONE. Not even my enemies - if I had any... LOL



I'm with you and know that feeling! It sucks. My house went underwater with Katrina in '05 ruining the house and everything in it. My sister's house a few miles away was completely smashed up and destroyed. The pics on the news of your area look exactly the same as what we had here - total obliteration where the houses have become piles of rubble. The recovery took years and even still there are remnants of damage that can still be seen 8 years later. I still get antsy each hurricane season because of the destruction. My heart aches for what has happened up there and what the people are going through. There is nothing natural about any natural disaster.

So many people I work with have either lost everything or one of their family members have.

Terrible. I wish this on NO ONE. Not even my enemies - if I had any... LOL

Glad you are ok Ray.....I know the feeling...Been threw a big flood..So big the president flew over in his chopper..My house didnt get hit as bad..But alot of people i new lost it all....I guess you are not safe anywere...But one thing i did not like about living down south...The twisters..My family originaly from Popular bluff Missouri..Some from joplin...Had a twister come down a block from us...Was so scary...The lighting and hail was crazy...I knew if i ever lived down there..I would have a deep well built cellar!! And hope it was enough too...And hope i happened to be close to it when **** hit the fan.

so so sad news,this terrible storm effects many in that area.Why government and meteorology department pay attention towards it.It can't be predicted?If not why?
Twisters are impossible to track and hard to predict...With our modern weather gear you only get about a 16 to 20 min warning now days...Back in the 80's it was only about 5 min...And i remmeber that twister in the 80's we started hearing the twister warning bomb siren go off about 5 min before the twister hit the ground...I guess they issued a warning too OK about 16 min before the twister hit.

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:exclamation: Thoughts and Prayers to all affected....

We survived Hurricanes Ivan and Dennis...we got a couple of days warning and assessed the dangers and made informed decisions on our course of action (stay OR go)

You Cats had 16 minutes...puts it all in a different perspective...best of luck on the recovery


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