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Update: FOUND! WANTED: 1971 Hurst shift lever, new, used, original or reproduction is OK!


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Jan 28, 2013
Reaction score
Northern California Bay Area
My Car
Boss 351, 11k miles, all original including drive train, paint, and exhaust.
Boss 351, 38k miles, original with a few suspension improvements.
Update: I found one! Thanks to all!

I need a Hurst shift lever from a 1971 Mustang top loader. New or used, original or reproduction. The 1970 design is very similar and would work as well. Will buy the whole shifter body and rods if desired. Thank you for reading!hurst.jpg

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I'll just throw in a FYI intended to help others.

Scott Brokaw is the person who rebuilt my Hurst shifter and did an excellent job and was extremely helpful throughout the process. The rebuild service is through www.hurstshiftersonline.com 

Around 1988, the original shift lever in my car was cut in half for "short throw" and welded. It's ruined! So I need a lever badly. Willing to take anything; even something that needs a complete re-chrome. Thanks to all. 

Did you ever find the shifter? I saw this on Marketplace today it is near me. Probably not right has the offset at the bottom not flat like your picture. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1098500583895133/?ref=search&referral_code=marketplace_search&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3A29557cfb-e811-4a9f-b3fc-514103ee2b56
