Some update: in France (and probably for all Europe), I am allowed to receive
Cigarettes : 200 unités
ou Cigarillos : 100 unités
ou Tabacs à fumer : 250 g
ou Cigares : 50 unités.
In this case I don't know if Hav A Tampa I would like is considered as cigarillos or cigars, but never mind because I would like a box of 50 pieces.
If it's ok for you David, it will be sent as gift, so no tax to pay for me, because the quantity don't exceed what is allowed, and because it's a gift.
Thank you guys for your help.
Please PM me your full name and address information for the shipping. I will go to smoke shop today and see what I can come up with for 50 smokes.
I went to Cuba couple years ago without permission, lol. Went to Nassau and got ticket on Cubana air.
Spent over two weeks just going places no plan did not stay in a hotel at all. Stayed with the locals forget what they call it but like B&B in US. Normal citizens get about $25.00 per month salary, medical Dr. about $40.00 and the highest paid person in Cuba is the tobacco farmer at $45.00 a month.
I quit smoking over 10 years ago Have COPD and lost about 40% of lung capacity. I started out smoking cigars.
So will see what I can locate today do not know where smoke shops are but will find them.
David,I will post a pic from a box my father brought back from US in the 70's. Still have one, to my mother home.
I remember when ùy dad came back from US, he was full of gift for my brother and sisters. I remember roller skates, watches with led illumination, cars model kit... At this time he was in business with guys from San Antonio, importation of antiques from France.
In 1983, I was 17, and we travelled together to US. New York, friends in New Jersey, Atlanta, San Antonio. This trip, I will never forget. It's probably at this time that I felt in love with 70's american cars. I will come back to US, I would like to go one time to the burning man, to drive in those roads, symply to do a road trip.