Why, if it isn't our mangy, transient grandfather


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Look what the cat dragged in, welcome back Dana . :)

That's a great movie! Shake and bake!

It was good seeing you yesterday. Did you make it to Burbon Street last night?

Hey, wait a minute. I thought we gave you a permanent warning banner across all your posts for calling BS too frequently. Let me see if I can fix that for you.

Look what the cat dragged in, welcome back Dana . :)
Haaaa Thanks man

That's a great movie! Shake and bake!

It was good seeing you yesterday. Did you make it to Burbon Street last night?
Nossir I have a difficult time walking down the sidewalk backwards to make sure no unwelcome public approach from the rear

turtle.... I tried to but I dont think they have an Appleby in Alabama

Hey 73 VErt! Good to be back.... I may be the longest standing banned person here. :D I shall carry the flag proudly

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Hi Dana,

Welcome back!

Forgive me for not being up on your case so to speak, but were you banned or did you decide to have a break? Sorry for being nosey, but i'm just curious.

I started out as a lowly criminal .... then we couldnt get my account back up after several attempts and work got in the way, we are launching a new product line and that kept me too busy to play or even work on my cars. So you could say both. But I like the criminal aspect, gives me a sense of home.

You dropped out of sight shortly after we met last spring, I was wondering if I hurt your feeling!
Well, as long as you're going to claim it - I thought it might've been me that had gotten under his skin.

Glad to have you back, Dana! ::thumb::

Sounds like things are going well... aside from that pesky 'too busy to play or work on the Mustang,' that is. In that regard, "I feel yo' pain, Brutha!"
