Justifiable homicide


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Sep 30, 2010
Reaction score
Mustang, OK.
My Car
1972 Mach 1 Q code
2007 GT
1969 Cougar Eliminator B302
CSX 7000 Shelby Cobra FIA
2020 Edge ST
2002 F250 V10
I attended a charity car show yesterday. As the show was ending a person on a custom Harley decides he needed to drive between the cars. He hit the right front bumper of my Mach 1 with the left hard bag of the motor cycle. He looks back and then drives away. I guess I'm glad I didn't witness it, I doubt I would have reacted very well. So, it seems I will be doing some more urethane bumper repair. People are amazing. Chuck

Sorry to hear that Chuck :( I can tell you stupid a**holes are everywhere... I can´t even drive my mustang to the office because of the stupid people that because of their short minds and envy, they steal an emblem or just scratch the paint with a key...

Anyhow... at least, this small accidents are totally repairable and they only happen because you enjoy your car in the road... I just hope the damn harley blow its engine in the stupid guy´s way home :p

What an idiot! I don't know what else to say about such a person.

I'm glad it was only the bumper and the initial wreck didn't cause him to ruin the entire passenger side of your car. Post some pics of the bumper and your reworking it. I have a couple of bumpers I need to do myself and your work is top notch!

This is one of many reason i no longer go to shows of any kind.

I've had things damaged and stolen numerous times.

depending on the damage to the bumper you can use a 2 part plastic bumper repair epoxy.

I always had problems feathering the repair epoxy and usually you have to go over it with some kind of rubber bumper compatible filler.

Then you need Flex additive to the primer and paint to keep it from peeling later.

I've had to repair other cars that used urethane bumpers.

If you have metallic paint forget about a touch up and re-spray the entire part.

solid colors you can touch up but i will bet you will see the repair, since its the bumper i would resurface the entire thing and prime and paint it as a whole.

of course the first rock that hits it and chips it will drive you insane.

when i did my front bumper replacement on my car i didn't even bother smoothing it, i shot the paint right over the original color which was red then just buffed it out with all the imperfections and dings, matched the rest of the car and looks presentable and i don't go insane if i get another rock chip in it.

the last car show i went to was in 2008. somebody stole my ford tire stem caps.

guy with a shelby clone had his air cleaner base stolen.

a few other cars had the GPS units stolen.

before that i would come back to the car and discover new belt buckle scratches on my fenders. one time some guy decided to sit in my car.

so many stories.

go to a car show and get annoyed for 2 hours, and pay 10$ or drive the car around listening to the radio and grab a burger no contest.

I would vote justifiable / not guilty

Not because he hit your car, stupid accidents happen but because he left.

Hope it is just paint and not the rubber


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I attended a charity car show yesterday. As the show was ending a person on a custom Harley decides he needed to drive between the cars. He hit the right front bumper of my Mach 1 with the left hard bag of the motor cycle. He looks back and then drives away. I guess I'm glad I didn't witness it, I doubt I would have reacted very well. So, it seems I will be doing some more urethane bumper repair. People are amazing. Chuck
I am not sure if "Amazing" is the correct word there

Just remember it was the RIDER not the Harley:s
MY GOD! That is the bike. Roy..............
So Roy hit your car and rode off like nothing happened? Wow.
I hope everyone knows I'm joking. I couldn't resist keying off of Don's post. PS the guy contacted me about a hour ago. He is paying for repairs and my labor. I guess he didn't realize he hit the bumper. The event organizer contacted him and asked him to call me. Chuck

You see. We should never be too quick to judge. He may have been doing a quick "look over the shoulder" while moving. May have been doing a "I'm I caught?" Doesn't matter, as long as he's willing to do the right thing and there were no injuries. IMHO
