Thanks for the advice. Like I said - I am sure I will butcher it - so I will not be submitting pics afterwards and I will just pray that I can locate the correct shroud before next summer!!!!
Just take your time and you'll be fine.Thanks for the advice. Like I said - I am sure I will butcher it - so I will not be submitting pics afterwards and I will just pray that I can locate the correct shroud before next summer!!!!
I have drilled mine and cut it once with an angle grinder without an issue. But as Stanglover suggest, be careful with it.They are fiber glass so will likely split or crack if you're too rough on the cutting. I would lay the shroud on it's back (rad side) and use a height gauge of some sort, could be a stick on a base with a felt marker attached to the stick to mark the height you want to cut at. Use a fine blade in a jig saw and cut close to the line. If you have a 90 deg. die grinder with a 2" disc to finish off.
What ever you do, go easy with it. If you do have cracks, I found a product named "Bondic" works very well. It is a UV activated glue. I fixed a crack on my shroud and after finishing, it's barely noticeable.
The key point being that your car is not an original J or C code hence it is not necessary to have the original shroud. as for price, I have gone through this a couple times in the last 30+ years on searching out and purchasing this item. The last time I purchased an original was for my current J Code vert (original BB car). I bought it in 2018 for 450 US$. I had my original to the car still, but it had a crack on top that I had repaired and the "Caution" sticker covered nicely..., but being the typical OCD type restorer..., I had to find a perfect one. The prices of rare parts on the C, J & R Code car's have gone through the roof as their availability become more scarce. $1500 is a lot, but these are very hard parts to find today if you are restoring a concours level car. To each their own...Thanks again everyone, haven’t had a chance to get started, but hopefully I can sometime this weekend.
A friend of mine actually found the unicorn - he located a listing for the correct shroud and even contacted the guy for me - owner knows that these are almost impossible to find and therefore he wants $1,500.00 for it - I said NO THANK YOU!!!
My car is not an original 429 car and I would convert it to a serpentine system before I would spend that kind of money on a shroud!
If you are still looking, try this link. I purchased two of them, they look pretty good!