71 custom build


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That is very cool. I did enjoy it , thanks. I thought it was a real car, lol. Nice job. I'm going crazy wanting to get back home to get back working on the car. I'm on a buying trip for the antique shop. I'm really wanting to get my rear panel worked with my tail light choice . I hope you guys like my decision. Heck , I hope I like it, lol. So many choices, unlimited, it was hard to decide, but I'm going with my gut. I'm sure that many options would have ended up looking great.

That is very cool. I did enjoy it , thanks. I thought it was a real car, lol. Nice job. I'm going crazy wanting to get back home to get back working on the car. I'm on a buying trip for the antique shop. I'm really wanting to get my rear panel worked with my tail light choice . I hope you guys like my decision. Heck , I hope I like it, lol. So many choices, unlimited, it was hard to decide, but I'm going with my gut. I'm sure that many options would have ended up looking great.
Trust the gut. It's going to be sweet.

Fabricated the recess light panel , test fit the light, cut out the old tail light panel and fit in the new panel. My first attempt at fabbing a panel like that it was a bit of a challenge without proper tooling but it came out ok. Now I'll do the other side then mold them in.

I've not been able to figure out how you guys get several pics on one post. When I try to do that I end up with multiple posts of the same image. Even though I load several different pics and insert them into the post.???

That looks great buddy. Going to be just right for the car. I think you may not be using the plus (+) button next to the upload button. It should be popping up a new field that says choose file like the first picture. Hope that helps

It seems you cannot add multiple pictures when you post from an iPhone or iPad.

The device will name them all "photo1" and the forum can't tell the difference. I have that problem with all the mobile Apple crap.
There is a way around it. I do everything from my phone. I take a screen shot of the image and use that instead. Other tip is if you crop or adjust the image , for example making it lighter or black and white, it won't accept the file unless you screen shoot it. Always use the screen shot instead of the original in other words. Hope it helps.

image.jpegGot the other side done today. I'm gonna post a few pics to show the primitive methods I use to do this stuff. It can be tedious and time consuming but I enjoy every minute of it, I hope you enjoy the pics. Thanks for the suggestions on posting pics I'll try again but if not successful I'll just get them on here the way I have.