72 Mach1 H.O.


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Wadded 2

see that tab on the battery cable? that is a ground tab. it goes on the lower bolt on the voltage regulator on the fender wall. you'd be wanting to connect that to avoid a whole bunch of possible electrical issues.

rimblow, electric windows, and the deluxe arms are intact. what a find!

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ok. we have gotten the brakes done and i have a video of the car running but i cant seem to load the video up here. getting a kit so we can fix the choke with the carb. they never ran the line from the exhaust to the choke so the choke is never turning off. at one point someone removed the manual choke.

ok. we have gotten the brakes done and i have a video of the car running but i cant seem to load the video up here. getting a kit so we can fix the choke with the carb. they never ran the line from the exhaust to the choke so the choke is never turning off. at one point someone removed the manual choke.
When you get the kit post a pic and once you install it another pic.

kit was so wrong. we did not install it after we got it. it was junk.

cant seem to load the marti report up in the marti report area.

Anyone know the order of when they started making the HO and the last one built? Just seeing how mine fits in. thanks

cant seem to load the marti report up in the marti report area.

Anyone know the order of when they started making the HO and the last one built? Just seeing how mine fits in. thanks

1972 ho marti report.txt

1972 ho marti report.txt



  • 1972 ho marti report.txt
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  • 1972 ho marti report.txt
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Anyone know the order of when they started making the HO and the last one built? Just seeing how mine fits in. thanks
351-HO equipped Mustang were a mid-year option for 1972.

As far as consecutive unit numbers, they did not flow one behind the other on production 'runs'. Vehicles were ordered and provided a VIN number as they were 'bucked' - a buck tage was secured to the basic body assembly used to tell assembly line employees what options to install on the vehicle

cant seem to load the marti report up in the marti report area.
Click the "Post Thread" button about a 1/4th of the way down on the right. You'll have to upload the marti report as a pdf.


Anyone know the order of when they started making the HO and the last one built? Just seeing how mine fits in. thanks
It followed the normal 1972 production run which was from Aug 71 to July 72. Member 72 R Code's car was built 7/6/72.

Ok we got full braking power. We replaced the master Cylinder because it was shot. Took the car up and down the street and it ran great . Shill have some work to do on the carb.

Ok we got full braking power. We replaced the master Cylinder because it was shot. Took the car up and down the street and it ran great . Shill have some work to do on the carb.
Sounds great, congratulations! Looking forward to some more updates from you...



getting reg. and insurance and plates today. cant wait. thursday go over the car. new bulbs and maybe go take her for a ride!!

Looks like a new gas tank is needed. Rust and some other crap is all in there

thanks 73StangCoupe. Was your car in Mustang Monthly, and r u from Toms River? if that is your car it is very nice and cool story.

also anyone with a idle selonoid. seems no one makes a replacement for my carb

Not a Boss 351 but most of the Boss owners I've known fully respect the 72 HO's. I hope you put it back like it should be. 72 R codes are neat cars in any bodystyle!


thanks Boss1Ray. I got to say all Boss owners from 69-71 have been really cool about the HO. I guy i meet at a local car show had a really nice 71 Boss. I was asking him questions about parts and taking pics of everything under the sun. after a few questions he asked me what did i own. i told him and he wanted to buy the car from me right there. he was saying the Boss is awesome but hard to use alot because its high comp and worth so much. I told him i had no interest in selling but he gave me his number just in case.

Makes sense...swap the entire trans.

I think the aftermarket T handles that Hurst sold did not have the shift pattern embossed on them like the factory handles did.
From one of mine (and Roy's - Tnfastbk's) previous posts:

For 4 spd toploaders - correct shifter balls and T-handles

1972 and 1973 3/8" -24 (fine threads) Black ball with engraved white 4-spd pattern

1971 3/8" -16 (course threads) Hurst T-Handle with small setscrew

The 1971 t-handle is $24 from Jegg's or Summit racing. part # 1535000. I hear they are very close to the original in appearance but the "4" is not good enough for the concourse guys.


I just joined today and reading this post I started getting excited....I needed a shifter (I thought) for my 72 R code MachI. After getting this far I remembered a shifter I had in my parts.....Is this the shifter I need for my restoration?

72 HO shifter 001.JPG72 HO shifter 002.JPG72 HO shifter 003.JPG72 HO shifter 004.JPG

One more pic of the #'s on the body of the shifter.

72 HO shifter 005.JPG

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Sure looks correct to me. Even the shifter ball is right.

Man! I am a happy camper now... (The shifter ball comments previously were what made me think of it) I was looking for a shifter for a RUG AZ big block tranny I have and a friend handed me that one a year or two ago! I was pretty sure it was wrong for that tranny because of the shift rods....didn't even think of the 72 "R" code.

+1 on Ray's post. I wish I had my 72 R code back. Chuck
I used to know a guy...Dan Haynes? I think, way back when I got mine, that had one he raced. This is the first I've run into others with them. I wonder if he's still around? I'm probably remembering his name wrong...it's been a long time. I'll let you know if I ever decide to sell it...:-/

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