A Mexican GT 351 coupe made into a vert


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Jan 7, 2015
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Western North Carolina
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Multiple Mustangs!
Was looking around fleaBay on this cold day and saw this 1971 vert. I is a Mexican version so odd to start with but someone made a vert out of a coupe. Looks like it is sagging in the middle and really rusty.



Ha! Not much has changed since my post when it was Craigslist for $750!

Somebody scavenged any good parts, like the Magstar wheel and upped the price.


71gbvert, definitely same car as you discovered and we discussed back in Oct of last year. Looks like the only thing changed since then is the increase in price and the top is now 99% gone. They say there is a soulmate for everyone out there....but the train has done left the station on this one. This one is a black hole of a money pit. If not a R, C or J code car, you are just not going to even come close to breaking even if you ever attempt to sell it . If one of the 50 1972 Cherry Blossom verts or a show stopper like (7173vert) Ken's 71 J code vert, then your operating at a different level.

I'm sure there is some interest in the Mexican cars, but most car people I talk to have never heard of them. As I had posted back then, I would be concerned about the structural integrity of a unibody car that's had the "Chopping" this one has received. Having started life as a coupe means it doesn't have the stronger vert rocker panels and other reinforcing items that made the chassis more vert ready.

If this one could talk you probably would not want to hear what it had to say!

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