Converting to manual trans

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2012
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corona ca
My Car
1971 mach 1 auto, 507 bbf, alum heads ect.
Looking for articles, forums regarding going from c-6 to manual trans. 521 motor, toss up between tko 600 or 6r80 auto, both exspensive undertaking. Would be nice to have a hurst stick sitting there in console.
I've had several classic American cars. All were fun. However, my 73 with 4 speed is the most fun to drive. It's not the fastest, it doesn't handle the best, it's just fun to row through those gears.
Looking for articles, forums regarding going from c-6 to manual trans. 521 motor, toss up between tko 600 or 6r80 auto, both exspensive undertaking. Would be nice to have a hurst stick sitting there in console.
I did a transmission swap from FMX to Tremec last summer on my '73. It is indeed nice to have that Hurst shifter coming out of the center console!

The hardest part was installing the third pedal in the pedal box.

There is a lot of information and good videos on the Modern Driveline site.
Great vendor to work with. I bought most of the parts I needed for the conversion from them.
Plus 1 for modern driveline. Get everything from them. Complete kit including pedal with instructions. I went with the new tkx 6 speed with a quicktime skatter shield. That hurst stick comes standard too. Fit right in. Easy peasy.
Couldn't recommend them enough.
Modern Driveline was great for getting things quoted and ordering big stuff. I will say I had a heck of a time getting their attention for some smaller replacement parts. Like weeks of calls and emails to just get them to sell me an $8 part. Had that happen a couple times. Still like them as they are super helpful up front, but I do worry about getting little stuff down the road in a hurry.

I don't recall why, but the pedal I got from them wasn't going to work out. I ended up getting a complete original pedal assembly off someone on Ebay (and maybe a member here?) for a pretty good price which ended up working out well.
I went the Modern Driveline way as well. I did mine a few years ago so the TKX was not out yet. I installed a TKO600. I did have luck back then reordering stuff and talking to them. Maybe things have changed.
I thought the whole process was not too hard if you take your time and take it one step at a time. I was able to do it all by myself.
How did the transmission mount work out from Modern Driveline? I got the kit from a competitor and had to spend a bunch of time under the car with an angle grinder so I could get the exhaust routed. The exhaust was the NPD dual sold one that is supposed to be a match for the OEM dual exhaust.

Did you use a mechanical or hydraulic clutch?

I used a hydraulic RAM heavy Duty clutch, with Malwood all in one pedal assembly.
I used MDL's mechanical clutch kit with cable. Mine fit okay, except that i had to increase the drivetrain angle slightly so the TKO600 fits in the tunnel. The angle is about 4 degrees which is a bit more than stock so I ended up shimming the rear axle upwards by 2 degrees to match. Besides that, no cutting at all. The TKX is flatter at the top so I assume it will fit well in the tunnel.
How did the transmission mount work out from Modern Driveline? I got the kit from a competitor and had to spend a bunch of time under the car with an angle grinder so I could get the exhaust routed. The exhaust was the NPD dual sold one that is supposed to be a match for the OEM dual exhaust.

Did you use a mechanical or hydraulic clutch?

The MDL cross member worked perfectly for me. I installed a T-5 with the MDL supplied cable clutch. Factory style dual exhaust with H-pipe (Precision Exhaust out of CT).

All plug and play, no issues.
How did the transmission mount work out from Modern Driveline? I got the kit from a competitor and had to spend a bunch of time under the car with an angle grinder so I could get the exhaust routed. The exhaust was the NPD dual sold one that is supposed to be a match for the OEM dual exhaust.

Did you use a mechanical or hydraulic clutch?

At the time they didn't have a mount exactly for what I ended up doing so had to mod crossmember they provided a bit. No changes to the exhaust (not stock) or tunnel were needed to make the T56 Magnum fit. I'm using the Hydramax hydraulic bearing.
I did a similar swap but it's kinda apples and oranges. Mine makes WAY less power... I used the Modern Driveline retrofit pedal and simulated the stock style mechanical linkage. I'm not a fan of cables or hydraulics. After over 11 years the stuff is still working real well. It is a LOT more fun!