distributor question


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Project manager "Project AmsterFoose"
7173 Mustang Supporter Member
Nov 7, 2013
Reaction score
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
My Car
1973 Mustang Grande 351C 2V, built on the very last production day (July 6, 1973) for Grande's.
Hi folks,

Because my engine wasn't running as smooth as before I started thinking what was changed. The only thing making sense to me is that I removed the distributor cap and put it back on a few weeks later.

Can this in anyway have a negative impact on the timing? It looks like the cap can only fit in one position so I figured not much can go wrong?



No, it can only go on one way. Just make sure all the contacts are clean, and make sure the rotor contacts are clean too.

The only way the timing could have changed is if you turned the distributor. Check to make sure hold down bolt is tight.

I would go ahead and check the timing with a timing light to see where it's at.

Also check the plug wire routing several times.

It's also possible you have a different firing order than original due to a camshaft change so try the firing order that is opposite of what you currently have

1 5 4 2 6 3 7 8


1 3 7 2 6 5 4 8

Did you have any trouble getting the cap off or putting it back on? If so the cap may have cracked or bent the contact spring on top of the rotor or displaced the contact button in the cap. Did you pull the rotor off? Check to make sure the spark plug cables are firmly seated. If the spark plug cables are old one of them may have developed a crack in the insulation, or if they are the carbon core wires bending them may have caused one or more to fail.

I went for a little drive. Starting was difficult again. The cap comes on and off OK. It is a bit damaged but I think it sits well. I'm thinking about replacingvthe wires and maybe upgrade distribution to electronic but I can't spend a fortune.

The exhaust fumes smell like fuel, sonething's not right I reckon.

Also noticed the tranny used a fair bit of oil so filled it up but then noticed a tick, you feel it, dont hear it, vibrating through the dipstick. I also noticed the speedo

Eter needle jumping and ticking. Are those related?

All in all a night that only gave me more questions :-/

But, the new fuel pump works brilliantly!
