For your own sake, don´t ever do this

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7173 Mustang Supporter Member
Dec 23, 2010
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Luxembourg / Europe
My Car
1972 Mustang Convertible
Sometimes my sick mind comes up with replies or ideas and I say them out loud before my brain can stop me.

Now guys here´s one you may wanna make sure you never pull.

For all I care, test your ignition spark with your privates if you feel like doing something stupid, but don´t do this:

When we got to California, we found that my wife´s make up remover had drained into the suitcase. So first thing we did the next day was go to CVS and buy a new bottle.

On our way to the check out we passed the aisle with Halloween costumes and my wife said something like: "Oh, look Halloween costumes. I should get one for (a friend´s) party when we get home"

Next thing I know I see me pointing at the make up remover and hear me saying:"Well you got everything you need right there.......!"


Just.... don´t...... trust me......... don´t!


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So Lux, you have to tell uncomfortable was the drive with one of her shoes wedged firmly where the sun doesn't shine.....and did your health insurance cover emergency shoe removal? lollerz

So you are trapped at James house, just not by James.

Thanks guys!

I loved reading all your hilarious replies. :D

I am blessed with my wife. She is just the coolest person I know and she always puts up with me, so none of the consequences you came up with happened to me.

She did at first go through the motions of being a little offended but during lunch she brought it up again and laughed at it so hard that people started giving us weird side glances. She can take a joke that´s on her, especially as it happens on a more or less regular basis with me. :blush:

It´s just that I am good at snappy remarks and she can immediately tell when I have an "inspiration" and will bug me until I tell her, even if I don´t wanna tell her because it´s mean.

Here´s to the best wife I ever had! ;)

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