Fuel tank - repair or replace.


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I expect i will replace my tank this season. Has anyone had luck with a new sending unit working with the warning light? And why doesnt anyone make stainless for our cars?

I expect i will replace my tank this season. Has anyone had luck with a new sending unit working with the warning light? And why doesnt anyone make stainless for our cars?
i haven't seen a 71-3 with low fuel warning light?

I do have a stainless steel sending unit

Both the stainless and standard plastic float sending units are

not made for any low fuel warning

Yes, that is what i have seen offered for replacements so far. There are so few instraments on my dash that i hare to lose one that is currently functioning, even if is only one of the idiot lights, ha !

Replace. Seriously do not even bother with it, it will come back to haunt you later.
