hello from western md


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Welcome to the forum!

If it is rust free then that is the major value of that car. I can't look at it and think that it "doesn't need to be restored". The dent on the passenger fender isn't going to just be pushed out. The paint looks like it is in pretty good condition overall but it needs a paint job (to look restored). I would ditch the 8 track tape player, the aftermarket guages and the tach if I was trying to sell it as an original. Didn't the 73 mach 1's have a honey comb panel on the rear?

Anyways, I am not trying to be a jerk I am just answering your solicitation for honest opinion. I think the dollar ranges the guys have said are fair. The other factor is how fast you want to sell it (once you make the decision).

I hope you get to keep it. It's a nice car.


I had a 73 Mach 1 that was nearly identical to yours - same color and options. I personally like that combo a lot. The value of your car, as others have said, is what someone would be willing to pay for it. It looks like you have a nice car to start with but if I were a prospective buyer, here are the things that would make me think twice about paying $6K to $7K for your car:

1) I don't care for side pipes on a Mach 1 - they make the car look like it was run hard even if it wasn't

2) The fog lights do not do any favors for the looks of the car from the front.

3) All of the extra gauges and aftermarket tach would be better left off.

4) Rear tail light panel should be honeycomb pattern for the Mach 1

5) Engine compartment does not look like it is from a 49,000 mile garaged car. It needs a clean up, paint, and a little detail work. The original air cleaner would be a bonus as well.

If you get to a point where you really have to sell it, the closer to original condition it is, the more money you can expect. All of the things above can be changed with little or no cost and would allow you to ask for a higher price. Having a good, solid, mostly rust free skeleton is the biggest thing for me. I started with a solid 73 Mach 1 but have since put over $15K into to it and I haven't even completed the interior yet. In my opinion, your car, as is, would likely bring about $5,000. I would do everything you possibly could to hold on to that car though. I certainly regret selling my green 73 Mach 1 back in 1986. It had a lot of sentimental value to me and you just can't get that back no matter what you buy afterwards.

I am in agreement that 5k to 7K is probably the current value. I believe getting rid of the extras and doing a small amount of clean up and repair could add another 5K in value quickly. I don't think the dent in the fender is a big deal to all potential buyers. Someone that wants a really clean builder to start with plans to paint it their way and would rather have original paint as their base than unknown bodywork.

If someone wants a turnkey showcar, they can buy one elsewhere and the seller will likely sell it at a loss. Yours is a nice survivor that just needs a good weekend of tender loving care and a few hundred bucks worth of parts to really look like what it is.

No I don't think you're beig a jerk at all. As I said I'm grateful for all the replies. At the very least I've got an idea that $6-9K is the range. As for the condition I don't know these these so your explaining it educated me.

I'll know in the next week or so what I have to do. So if I do have to sell it. I will post here.

Thank each of you for taking the time to reply to me.

Hopefully it will fall into place so I dotty have to sell her because I love it.

Happy Independence day all!

Welcome from Arkansas...the value of anything is how much someone is willing to give. Car values fluctuate but mustangs just keep going up. You can do a marti report to find out option numbers and that helps determine the value of your car...without sentimental of your family ties to the car which to me are priceless. Others on here could give you a better answer on that but sounds like a keeper to me
Thanks, Oh it's definitely a keeper for me but sometimes life has other ideas. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it at this time, but would like to get an idea in case the VA doesn't come thru with what they owe me. Home for a family or a car I love... Not much of a decision then.

I'd hate it if I have to sell it but one must do the unpleasant at times..

Thanks for the input!
Yes I have been down that road many times...one painful time was a 68 gt sportroof 4 speed and yes it was dark highland green
ooohh, it must have hurt to bite the bullet! ouch!

Welcome to the site from Northern Virginia! I think it's priceless to you since your father bought it new and has held onto it all these years. Do your best to hang onto it!
Let me add that I agree with Mike, Steve & others. Try to hold onto it if you can. A one owner car can only be said once. My 65 was bought new by my dad 6 years before I was born and will always be treasured by me since he passed away a few years ago. That was the car I learned to drive with, learned to crash and learned to rebuild. So lots of fun memories. If it come down to a house or a car then it looks like i'll choose a tent. Lol

Best of luck with it!

If I had seen your car for sale about a month ago in the shape it appears to be in I would of gone to 8 or 9 thousand for it! I paid 8,000 for mine a month ago its needs some body work + paint and I just installed a completely new suspension system with new wheels and tires! It does have a kickass 429 in it with a built C6 tranny and both have less than 1,000 miles on them! Which sweetend the deal! These cars are hard to find in the Mid-Atlantic area without a alot of rust on them so they tend to go for a little more around here!

Here's my build thread:


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