Hurricane Irene

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Sep 19, 2010
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73 Mustang Convertible
OK so it probably technically won't be a hurricane by time it passes over us but there sure has been a lot of wind and rain so far. Power went out around 5:30 am est.

We are supposed to be dead center in the track of the storm. No water in the basement yet. Keeping an eye on the 30 inch maple behind my house. If it goes it will cut my house in half. Wind is supposed to do a 180 around noon. If the tree makes it til then I should be in good shape.

Stay safe Tommy!

Tommy, I hope it goes well and you get no damage. I feel your concerns. Hurricane Katrina flooded & took out both my sister's and my houses on the Mississippi gulf coast.

Our house made it through OK here in Virginia. Lots of high wind and heavy rain, but no real damage except for a lot of broken twigs and leaves laying around. Power blinked out a few times too.

Good luck with the storm.

Well I made it through OK but some of my neighbors weren't so lucky. Neighbor across the street had a tree land on the house. Another had a tree land on his car and flatten it. Power lines are down everywhere so I don't think I will have power for several days. It took me a half an hour to figure out how to get out of my neighborhood this morning because of all the down wires and the roads being blocked off.

I brought a generator home from work so I have a refrigerator and a TV and can make coffee.

First day of school is supposed to be tomorrow. Doubt that will happen if the school buses can't make it around town. My wife will need to be medicated soon.

no power for 2 days for me, they are saying 6 days until its restored.

the office has power so i'm typing this from there.

You guys in the Northeast are getting hit hard from what I see on CNN. It was not that bad here in North-Central Virginia, although people here along the coast got it pretty bad. Good luck and stay safe.

Still Living like its 1849.

Getting really sick of cold showers and bathing in a sink.

my basement is a cess pool full of water that i can do nothing about without power.

Fema folded up base camp last night, still over 4000 in my area without power
