i looked at a generator a few years ago and decided it was worthless for my house.
a basic generator would be good for a refrigerator and a few lights not much else.
without power the relays for cable tv don't work. so that shoots internet and tv out as something to do, it also kills off most of local tv because the idiots switched to Digital last year, and without power the range on local broadcasts is like zero.
i wouldn't be able to get hot water since i have an oil 220v system. so basically i would sit in the house steaming with no A/C or hot water, nor anything to do, with a empty cold fridge because every stop and shop would be throwing out rotted food like they have for the last 4 days
To really power the house i would need a 10K-20K backup system, like my Cousin has at his house, its basically a ford V8 engine converted to run on natural gas. that powers his entire house, a/c the works. hes been running it for 4 days and the neighbors are about to kill him because of the noise, he has been forced to shut it down every night around 6pm plunging him back to the stone age as well.
my next door neighbor has been running a small honda generator until last night when a group of other neighbors told him to "shut it off" or 'they would'.
i must say its so nice sleeping in silence now.
I'm actually glad now i didn't try and get a generator it seems to cause "more issues" then it solves.
I've been surviving on my ipad and a battery backup unit i stole from the office.
Tonight's in the dark feature is the Mechanic(2011) and Paul.
Followed by a bath in the sink.