Sorry a little off-thread but -
Driving my sister's brand new 82 HO Mustang, I hooked up with an new '82 Vette "cross fie injection" car on the highway. I pulled him hard on the run to about 85-90 and he tried to keep up but the Vette was gutless over 90. I revved that 302 2bbl HO hard in 3rd then shifing into that long-legged 4th gear but still pulled away respectfully up to about 120. I drove from OKC to Tulsa running both CB radio and radar detector and made the distance of approx 90 miles in 56 minutes. We had to slow down twice, once for traffic and other meeting Oklahoma Highway Patrol. Those were the days...
Would not begin to try that again with the OHP's newer technology - unless of course I was driving one of their cars...!!!!!!!!
BTW the "speed limit" was 55 I think back then!!!