My beautiful 72 convertible - Wrecked & Ruined

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Well dammmmm…

It could be rebuilt for sure, but from an insurance perspective I would bet it’s totaled….i had a minor rear hit, 7 months total repair process, 4 months in shop, $8k.

You probably need work on floorpan and firewall, door pillar, replacement of Dr side front frame, possibly radiator support. A bunch of suspension bits, door, fender, grill components, and on and on…and possibly the passenger side front end was tweaked too…so tons of work there…

It looks like a great car, if you can buy it back cheap, tons of very usable parts on it….and glad you are OK.
Thanks and you're probably right, lots to address. Glad I'm ok too for sure.
Sorry about your mishap Mel. We all understand how heartbreaking this is. I would let the process play out with the insurance company and get the car to a resto shop for an in-person inspection. Photos can be very deceiving for a body shop to make an accurate damage assessment.
Real ****-head who hit you-no insurance, no license and swapped plates. Pathetic!!

Thanks for your comments, appreciate it and good points 👉
Glad you're ok and could walk away from that accident. I'd 2nd for the work. He has a you tube channel and posts of ther work as well as he's a Mustang guy himself with record holding drag racing 69 Mustang, iirc. Best of luck on getting it back on the road to enjoy.
very sad about your car. Fortunately you are okay. You’ll have to get the car on a frame rack, other than obvious visible damage, this will tell you if there is any damage to the frame rail, shock tower, A-pillar, and rocker.

I’ve spent the last 21 years driving for my job. I can’t begin to write everything I’ve seen, there’s just too much. Part of my job was to respond to and investigate accidents, and over the years I’ve responded to at least a hundred accidents, everything from minor collisions to fatalities. Regardless of the cause, most accidents are preventable. Every time you drive your car, it’s like playing Russian roulette. You can have the best defensive driving skills in the world, but there are times where you can’t avoid the stupidity of others.
The worst thing about this is the driver that hit you shouldn’t have been on the road. He most likely has very little lose. What will happen to him as a result, maybe suspend his license, big deal, he will be back on the road in no time gunning for any one of us.
very sad about your car. Fortunately you are okay. You’ll have to get the car on a frame rack, other than obvious visible damage, this will tell you if there is any damage to the frame rail, shock tower, A-pillar, and rocker.

I’ve spent the last 21 years driving for my job. I can’t begin to write everything I’ve seen, there’s just too much. Part of my job was to respond to and investigate accidents, and over the years I’ve responded to at least a hundred accidents, everything from minor collisions to fatalities. Regardless of the cause, most accidents are preventable. Every time you drive your car, it’s like playing Russian roulette. You can have the best defensive driving skills in the world, but there are times where you can’t avoid the stupidity of others.
The worst thing about this is the driver that hit you shouldn’t have been on the road. He most likely has very little lose. What will happen to him as a result, maybe suspend his license, big deal, he will be back on the road in no time gunning for any one of us.

Thanks for your comments, appreciate it. His license was already suspended so he does not care and will continue to drive I'm sure. Until there are real consequences for criminal actions then those like him will be out there.
Sorry to hear, extremely distressing for you, but at least no one was hurt.
Not sure if this helps. NORTHWEST COLLISION in St.Petersburg was highly recommended to me. I wad told they are the best in our area. I'm only considering repainting though.
All the best and good luck.
I am so sorry that this happened to you but glad you are ok. Let it play out with insurance and see what they say about it. I think I have a drivers door that if you needed it, can have it. I am in Georgia so it would be a few hour drive for you to pick up but just let me know. I may also have an original fender for the drivers side as well.

Good luck
Back in the late 70's an old lady did the same thing on the same side. Insurance company totaled the car. I bought it from them for $300.00 and towed it home. Had $1000.00 left in insurance money so me and my best buddy went to the wrecking yard in his dads truck with our tools. Now the fun part, right in the front of the lot was an identical car, same color and hit in the rear. Bought the whole front clip, radiator and drivers door for $300.00. Took a day to swap all the parts and get everything lined up and spent $30.00 for an alignment. Looked just like yours only back in the day when you could get the parts at just about any wrecking yard.
Definitely looks fixable by a good body shop. Take the money and buy back your car (never could figure out why I had to pay them for my paid off car) Good luck and please keep us informed of your progress.
One of the accidents I went to( can’t really call it an accident), a guy high on meth, ran a red light doing about 50 mph, hit the left front of a bus. The bus was knocked to the right, went up on the sidewalk and killed a young female college student. The guy had warrants for his arrest in several jurisdictions. That mf should have been in jail, instead, a person died because of his actions.
I blame judges that release people like this rather than jailing them. The problem is there’s so many people committing crimes with minimal consequences, if any, it’s all too common. Teens are some of the worst. They are stealing cars and using them to commit crimes, then driving like it’s a video game. If they get caught, a lot of them are released soon after.
I am from Seattle. It was so bad there, constantly hearing of shootings, smash and grab robberies, home invasions, assaults, road rage, I’ve responded to several shootings on our buses, drug overdoses, assaults, mentally ill people. It’s crazy and it takes a toll on everyone. Most people don’t have a clue as to what’s happening on the streets of our cities.
After working around the public for so long, I’ve determined I like dogs better than people.
I apologize for my ranting about all of this, but it just pisses me off so much.
Man our twin can feel it.
Last Saturday I was on a short drive heading back home on a busy suburban road. Another vehicle driven by a total idiot decides to turn left through the intersection as I am crossing it and broadsides me. I swerved slightly just prior to impact and was hit real hard in the left quarter panel also impacting the driver's door.

Happened so fast. I wanted to strangle this person but kept my cool. Thankfully no one was injured. Of course the ******* was driving on a suspended license, had no insurance and plates from a different vehicle 🙄

Anyway, needless to say I'm totally bummed out. After owning this car for 20 years and always treating it with extreme care, making nice improvements, etc and finally discovering this amazing forum this year it's a real shame.

I've contacted a few resto shops and sent images and received some responses. The consensus seems to be that there is likely frame damage as the pillar has been pushed some. Also the driver's door will not open, overlapping the rear quarter about and inch.

My ins adjuster should get back soon on what they think it would run. Seems like restos now are really high like everything else, painting the car could run 20-30k alone.

One place I contacted, The Creative Workshop, I'm Dania FL- I am in the South Florida area - wouldn't take it on as they do not deal with insurance. Another place Realistic Restorations in St. Petersburg, seems pretty good after speaking with them, but they said I could be in for more well than 35k potentially, depending on what they find, after paint, body and mechanical and that might only cover a partial repaint, not whole car. Both said likely frame damage. Another shop said the motor would need to come out to repair frame, not sure about that.

The motor did not seem damaged but there could be lots going on not visible. Amazingly I did not see any leaking fluids.

Just curious what you guys think. Anyone know of any good shops in in South Florida or near by chance? Anyone else ever go through this type of thing with their car? Not sure what ins will do. I have a decent stated policy but dont know yet what they will do or of it's worth it to try and restore it, even though I have loved it for so long as it could be a big $$ rabbit hole to run down. And I was just finishing the few last little things on my list and really enjoying it..

If I posted this in the wrong area my apologies. Any input or tips are greatly appreciated.


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7173 Mustang Supporter Member
JoinedApr 1, 2015Messages50Reaction score8LocationLouisianaMy Car1973 Stock Convertible
1971 Nothing's Stock Fastback
2010 GT 500 Grabber Blue
Man my twin can feel it. I’m not mechanically inclined but …I would if the ins sells it too you take it apart and buy a hydraulic ram . Repair the suspension and find a cheap door to see how far tings are out of spec before giving up.
One of the accidents I went to( can’t really call it an accident), a guy high on meth, ran a red light doing about 50 mph, hit the left front of a bus. The bus was knocked to the right, went up on the sidewalk and killed a young female college student. The guy had warrants for his arrest in several jurisdictions. That mf should have been in jail, instead, a person died because of his actions.
I blame judges that release people like this rather than jailing them. The problem is there’s so many people committing crimes with minimal consequences, if any, it’s all too common. Teens are some of the worst. They are stealing cars and using them to commit crimes, then driving like it’s a video game. If they get caught, a lot of them are released soon after.
I am from Seattle. It was so bad there, constantly hearing of shootings, smash and grab robberies, home invasions, assaults, road rage, I’ve responded to several shootings on our buses, drug overdoses, assaults, mentally ill people. It’s crazy and it takes a toll on everyone. Most people don’t have a clue as to what’s happening on the streets of our cities.
After working around the public for so long, I’ve determined I like dogs better than people.
I apologize for my ranting about all of this, but it just pisses me off so much.
Wow, that's a horrific story and so sad. Drugs are a huge problem too. Being overly lenient on criminals doesn't work, totally agree. Dogs are awesome, they try hard to please, are never in a bad mood and always glad to see you.
Man our twin can feel it.


Well-known member​

7173 Mustang Supporter Member
JoinedApr 1, 2015Messages50Reaction score8LocationLouisianaMy Car1973 Stock Convertible
1971 Nothing's Stock Fastback
2010 GT 500 Grabber Blue
Man my twin can feel it. I’m not mechanically inclined but …I would if the ins sells it too you take it apart and buy a hydraulic ram . Repair the suspension and find a cheap door to see how far tings are out of spec
That sux , some people are a-holes 🤬
Isn't that the truth!
Back in the late 70's an old lady did the same thing on the same side. Insurance company totaled the car. I bought it from them for $300.00 and towed it home. Had $1000.00 left in insurance money so me and my best buddy went to the wrecking yard in his dads truck with our tools. Now the fun part, right in the front of the lot was an identical car, same color and hit in the rear. Bought the whole front clip, radiator and drivers door for $300.00. Took a day to swap all the parts and get everything lined up and spent $30.00 for an alignment. Looked just like yours only back in the day when you could get the parts at just about any wrecking yard.
Definitely looks fixable by a good body shop. Take the money and buy back your car (never could figure out why I had to pay them for my paid off car) Good luck and please keep us informed of your progress.
Thanks for your story and comments. I'm definitely going to consider it once I hear back from the insurance people.
I am so sorry that this happened to you but glad you are ok. Let it play out with insurance and see what they say about it. I think I have a drivers door that if you needed it, can have it. I am in Georgia so it would be a few hour drive for you to pick up but just let me know. I may also have an original fender for the drivers side as well.

Good luck
Thanks Tom, appreciate your comments and bear them in mind. I'll weigh things once I hear back.
This has nothing to do with the OP's unfortunate situation, but, while we're on the subject of uninsured and unlicensed drivers, let me regale you with an insurance horror story involving one of my Mustangs getting wrecked. It's a bit of a long read. Sorry for the temporary thread hijack. :)

A few years back I was sitting at a red light in my 2010 Mustang Mach 1 tribute car when I got rear-ended by a young driver in his mom's late model Chevy Malibu. He clobbered me good 'n hard, but no one was injured. When I asked him for his license and insurance, he hemmed and hawed a while and finally told me he'd just come from his job and he must have left his wallet in his locker. Then he asked me not to call the police. Seriously, dude? I phoned the local police immediately. When the officers arrived, they questioned the young driver and determined that (1) his license had been revoked for having too many tickets and accidents (permanently taken away, not just suspended), (2) he had no insurance, and (3) he was not listed as an authorized driver on his mother's policy that covered the Malibu (#3 will be really important later in this story). The officers did not write the young driver ANY citations, even though he was breaking at least three state laws! Not only that, they let him drive away! Knowing that he had no license and no insurance!! I was livid. Now, back to #3. There's a little weird loophole in Texas motor vehicle insurance laws that ended up screwing me deeply. Because a valid insurance policy existed for the Malibu, even though the young driver was not listed on it, my insurance company was not ALLOWED, by law, to cover the claim with my uninsured motorist coverage! Uninsured motorist coverage in Texas is only effective when there is NO policy on the vehicle at fault. My insurance company had no choice but to cover it with my collision coverage, as if the accident had been my fault! My rates went up almost 50% and I had to eat the $500 deductible! The repair bill was nearly $7,000 but at least I only had to pay $500 out of pocket plus the increased rates.

This is the car in my story. I no longer own it. Sold it last year.


Rant over. Sorry again for the thread hijack.
I spent my entire adult life in the Automotive collision / restoration biz and also worked as a damage appraiser for Insurance company's. Looking at your pictures it appears the main damage hit was a touch above the left front wheel. Believe it or not it really looks a lot worse than what it probably is and the car is definitely repairable. The big thing is going to be putting the car up on a frame machine with the proper measuring system in place in order to "put the unibody" back to factory specs. That spec sheet is on the site here. The other thing is going to be checking for secondary damage. I'd be checking the hinge pillar,firewall.cowl panel, floor and shock tower. Once the car is disassembled and measured you'll know exactly what needs to be done to put the unibody back to spec. I do see at least 15-25k in repair cost depending what you find upon disassembly.
Last Saturday I was on a short drive heading back home on a busy suburban road. Another vehicle driven by a total idiot decides to turn left through the intersection as I am crossing it and broadsides me. I swerved slightly just prior to impact and was hit real hard in the left quarter panel also impacting the driver's door.

Happened so fast. I wanted to strangle this person but kept my cool. Thankfully no one was injured. Of course the ******* was driving on a suspended license, had no insurance and plates from a different vehicle 🙄

Anyway, needless to say I'm totally bummed out. After owning this car for 20 years and always treating it with extreme care, making nice improvements, etc and finally discovering this amazing forum this year it's a real shame.

I've contacted a few resto shops and sent images and received some responses. The consensus seems to be that there is likely frame damage as the pillar has been pushed some. Also the driver's door will not open, overlapping the rear quarter about and inch.

My ins adjuster should get back soon on what they think it would run. Seems like restos now are really high like everything else, painting the car could run 20-30k alone.

One place I contacted, The Creative Workshop, I'm Dania FL- I am in the South Florida area - wouldn't take it on as they do not deal with insurance. Another place Realistic Restorations in St. Petersburg, seems pretty good after speaking with them, but they said I could be in for more well than 35k potentially, depending on what they find, after paint, body and mechanical and that might only cover a partial repaint, not whole car. Both said likely frame damage. Another shop said the motor would need to come out to repair frame, not sure about that.

The motor did not seem damaged but there could be lots going on not visible. Amazingly I did not see any leaking fluids.

Just curious what you guys think. Anyone know of any good shops in in South Florida or near by chance? Anyone else ever go through this type of thing with their car? Not sure what ins will do. I have a decent stated policy but dont know yet what they will do or of it's worth it to try and restore it, even though I have loved it for so long as it could be a big $$ rabbit hole to run down. And I was just finishing the few last little things on my list and really enjoying it..

If I posted this in the wrong area my apologies. Any input or tips are greatly appreciated.
Hey: So sorry about what happened to your 72. I live in St. Petersburg, FL. If you need me to check out Realistic Restorations, I can do and report back.

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