MYSTERY Insulated line

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Thanks again for more great pictures.  Its so hard to see that area with the strut brace in the way.  I guess im going to try to work my phone down in there tomorrow to see if I can snap a pic or 2.  You would think with that insulated line disconnected that there would be a hell of an exhaust leak, yet I dont hear any signs of that.  Im almost thinking that the manifolds on the passenger side are later model that dont have that on it.  But I will have to look closer now that I know what to look for.
The tube fits into a closed cavity and is only heated by the exhaust manifold; it does not involve the exhaust gases directly.

Thanks for the clarification Midlife!

That makes a lot more sense now. So It takes Air and sucks it past the manifold to heat it up for the choke.

I havnt had a vehicle with a carb since High School, and I never even opened the hood on that one way way back then. lol

I never worked on them in my youth. All I could do was put gas in them. lol

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Well I found where it plugs in. I also see why its not plugged in. I suppose its a good thing I live in Florida and not North Dakota.

The connection appears to be severely rusted to the point nothing will connect to it.

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