David, I've been away for a while, but I see where Fordie originally posted July 14th. I hope he is still with us, as it would be great to have another GT 351 owner in our Forum.
If so, welcome to your new Mustang home Fordie. As already posted, we like pictures and for you to let us know more about your South of the Border car!
In addition to the great info already posted by David, here is some additional information for others that may not be familiar with these GT351s.
The Mexican GT351 Mustangs were not American-built. They, therefore, did not have a typical U.S.-type VIN or have to meet the emissions, safety, or any other standards that U.S.-built vehicles had to meet. These bodies were shipped to Mexico as incomplete or Knock Down kits with no VIN. Mexico had some robust laws on the component content of vehicles manufactured there. The engine, transmission, and differential were manufactured and supplied to the La Villa Assembly plant from local Mexican manufacturing plants. The 351W engine and transmissions were Ford of Mexico built, but the differential was a Dana unit since Ford did not manufacture 8" or 9" differentials in Mexico. Most people didn't even know these cars existed until a few years ago, so accurate info can be challenging to obtain.
Your VIN should start with AF01 with the following two letters defining the year and month of manufacture and the following five numbers the consecutive serial number.