Wow thanks guys I feel very welcomed,but wait till you see what I do to this Mustang (I see torches and pitchforks in my future maybe tar and feathers)
A little about myself I started doing auto body back in 1970 in my dad and uncles shop and at ripe old age of 12 I was grinding lead and spreading snow white bondo ,
did that till I was about thirty doctors decided I needed a new career so now I drive a truck but that's another story.
I didn't heed the doc's advice to an extent I have had a few cars in Carl Casper's shown a few at local show's this Mustang will be my last Hurrah,I am building it for my son who is handicapped he has Spina Bifada so he will be wheelchair bound most of his life but he is able to drive as it just affected his lower body
I will hopefully be able to drag you along on this journey