My first "registered" car was a 74 HJ Holden Kingswood when I was 17. I'd already bought a 308 stroker off a mate who'd written off his HX and I just needed a car to put it in. The car had a worn out stock 253 V8 and trimatic that was flat out doing a 100 M/hr, so we drove it around for 2 weeks to all the old hangouts and raced anyone and everyone, we'd get absolutely belted by everything and me and my best mate (still till this day) would be pissing ourselves laughing about it. Everyone would look at us and thought we were mad, bringing this slow POS, smoke pouring out the pipes, getting beaten and then laughing about it. After a couple of weeks of doing that it was time to put in everything out of my mates car and into mine, except he kept his 9 inch and I just used the 10 bolt Salisbury that it had in it. I hit my boss up to use the shop and we spent the weekend transferring everything over. After a couple of weeks of transferring everything over and sorting out little niggles, it was time to go back to these hangouts and find our "prey" and let's just say, they found out what why we were laughing so much before. That car was probably the best car I've owned. That car was just flogged and driven hard just about everyday and nothing major really went wrong with it, it was an awsome racer that was just about unbeatable back then, as well as being our family car as it was the only one we had back then. The car was smashed twice (only 2 accidents I've had) the first time a guy in a Nissan pulled out straight in front of me and I T-boned him, so after the insurance company was going to write it off, I withdrew the claim and rebuilt the car. The second time was not long after I'd rebuilt the engine and transmission and the weekend previous, the car had run 11.78@123. Coming home from a mates place in the pouring rain, the car suddenly went right for no reason, except for the road was like a river. After the car went into the gutter on the other side of the road, I tried to reverse back, but the car just wanted to keep spinning the wheels, next thing I knew a courier van was flying over the hill and smashed in the front of the car. He was going that fast, that he managed to hit the brakes, skidded, took out the front of my car and still skidded for another 100+ feet min. all in a 60km/hr zone. Now here's the best part, the van was on its way to the hospital as it was carrying body parts. The damage this time to the car was too great to repair and that engine had claimed another car, I say that because that engine just came from wreck to wreck to claim another and another and so on. I've had a lot of cars since then (Oct 92) and some that have been quicker, but it's the only car I've really missed and wish I could have back (that can't happen though, car was stripped out and the rest went to scrap) maybe because it was the car I had with my girlfriend (now wife) we got married, had our son and bought him home in it and just lots of good times with mates, racing and family.