Well, today I took my blown long pressure hose to the local hydraulic shop and they couldn't fix it, they didn't have the correct end fitting. It's a small shop, so probably why. The Gates 353570 long hose seems to be unobtainium, no-one has it in stock in Canada, or for that matter, the 353580 short pressure hose. The Gates website is no help unless you have an account it seems.
In the meantime, I ordered one from an auto parts store and I'll have it tomorrow. This is one that is shown on RockAuto, but I thinks it's a generic picture, so I'll see if it will work for the time being, a temporary fix just to get the car out and running. The Edlemann hose is available, but the prices vary wildly. Ordering online takes too much time for me at the moment.
I'll report later on what I find out on the one I ordered.
I'm also changing my PS pump. I have a small leak on the main shaft seal and besides, I'm kind of wondering if the relief valve failed and caused the hose to blow out as I turn sharply into a parking spot.