Power Steering Pully Diamether


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Jan 7, 2015
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Western North Carolina
My Car
Multiple Mustangs!
OK today I was going to put a kit in the PS pump of my 73 Mach 1. I could not get the pulley off and I have one of the correct pullers. I heated and still could not move it.

So I went to parts car a 72 H code and got the PS pump. It has a much larger diameter pulley is that normal? I did not measure it I am beat the 10 hour days are killing me.

My puller will not fit the pulley either so I cannot put the kit in and it was leaking bad. Will go to Advance tomorrow and see if their puller fits.

So are there different diameter pulleys for Q and H code PS pumps is the question.

I am going to be so against the wall getting this car back together. Nothing going smooth.

No pics lost battery charger again, lol.


David, Sorry to hear about your seemingly impossible uphill battle. Nothing like a looming deadline hanging over you, and then Murphy's Law shows up and throws a spanner in the works. Makes me wish I still lived in SC. Would love to come up to NC and get a chance to help work on a time capsule such as your 73.

The 71 and 72 H, M, and Q cars used pulley DOOZ-3A733-B (DOOR-B)  6 1/4" O.D.

All 73 V8 Mustangs (F, H, Q) used DOAZ-3A733-A (DOAR-A)   5 5/8"  O.D.          

Do you have any 71-72 302 Mustangs in your fleet? They used the DOAZ-A (DOAR-A) pulley also. There are several other applications that also used the pulley you need, but rather than throw a bunch of vehicle choices at you, will just wait to see if you find anything in your inventory.

And...did you ever find any dual points and condenser for your distributor?  

I know I'm not close enough to offer any real wrench turning help, but I can help with some part number chasing if you need it!  :D

David, Sorry to hear about your seemingly impossible uphill battle. Nothing like a looming deadline hanging over you, and then Murphy's Law shows up and throws a spanner in the works. Makes me wish I still lived in SC. Would love to come up to NC and get a chance to help work on a time capsule such as your 73.

The 71 and 72 H, M, and Q cars used pulley DOOZ-3A733-B (DOOR-B)  6 1/4" O.D.

All 73 V8 Mustangs (F, H, Q) used DOAZ-3A733-A (DOAR-A)   5 5/8"  O.D.          

Do you have any 71-72 302 Mustangs in your fleet? They used the DOAZ-A (DOAR-A) pulley also. There are several other applications that also used the pulley you need, but rather than throw a bunch of vehicle choices at you, will just wait to see if you find anything in your inventory.

And...did you ever find any dual points and condenser for your distributor?  

I know I'm not close enough to offer any real wrench turning help, but I can help with some part number chasing if you need it!  :D
Thanks for the info on the pulley. I will just get a belt for the 72. Wonder why they wanted the put to run faster on the 73?? I do not have any 302 cars just Cleveland.

Advance had the points and the old parts house that has been closed forever actually had Motorcraft condensers so I got two of them. The condenser is different in my distributor since it is only centrifugal advance the arm is actually cut off the vacuum and it just closes up the hole. It was a Ford kit you got had new shaft for distributor with different cam position, points plate and a selection of springs to tune it with. I complained that the car would only do 120 and they ordered it for me, lol. Not many dealers support you going faster.

I had wanted to dress out the engine with AC, PS and all on before I sit it back in but might have to do after I install engine.

It seems I am about the only survivor of my generation here, lol. My two best friends I use to do all the car stuff with have passed on. One that I use to go sell at swap meets with died of cancer and another close neighbor had COPD take him. The others I know are all crippled and can do much of nothing but watch TV.

So if you think you will get to do what you want when you retire you might better rethink that and do more earlier.

All the people that are in the local Mustang club pay someone else to do all their work so no help there, lol. Did have couple guys come over and help some. Putting engine back is easy take 5 min. but will need help with the transmission. One thing I do not have is transmission jack.
