Quarter window adjustment


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Apr 2, 2021
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 3R7
Anyone have any words of wisdom to align a rear quarter window on a 72 coupe?

I have a slight air leak that I would like to fix prior to putting my interior back together.

I need to tilt the rear quarter window forward.

I have a copy of the 1972 Ford car shop manual (which has instructions.... but either “I’m thick” or it is as clear as mud)

It appears that it is a tedious slow process, so I’m am hoping someone has some experience and can direct me to some shortcuts for efficiency purposes.


I found the easiest way was to wind the door window up as it will be, close the door then get inside and move the quarter glass to match the door window.  You will have the door glass to line up with and to check it all comes together.  You may never get it 100% leak free with new rubbers etc but near enough.  

Have fun.

There are a number of different manuals like that - power steering, vibration diagnosis, heating and air conditioning, driveability, auto transmission, differential, electrical diagnosis, automatic speed control, plus service highlights that were sent out to dealerships that talked about what was new/different that they needed to be aware of.  You see them on eBay from time to time with prices all over the place.  Some are service guide, others are arranged like a course.  Prices are all over the place.

If RD-72 is willing, send it to me and I'll scan it to a PDF document and upload to the Wiki, then send it on to him. 

I understand it has already been shipped today.

I thought about a way to get it quicker...ie scan and email...but on further thought , in all fairness, it was really too much to ask of the vendor.

When it comes in, I will consider posting it to wiki...when I have time (assuming I can do so) ....although I might need some technical assistance  with that.

My first goal is to get my car on the road...as it didn’t move last summer with the interior ripped out. Optimal summer driving season is short up here (really June - Sept).

Got the upper center console (with the tri gauges) installed earlier this week...and hope to button up the entire front dash this weekend...leaving only window alignment, and related trim, the lower center console and seats....I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
