Just saw your post on working on your Vert. One of the best panel replacement shops in the U.S. is near Atlanta. They have done work for members that worked out great. Be very specific of what you want and how you want it put in writing so there is no gray areas. All they do is panel replacement not a body shop and will only put primer on, ZERO body and paint work.
You will need to deliver the car with everything stripped off and out of the way for them to remove the old panels and replace with the new. They do not have the pricing for 71 - 73 on their site but you can see what it is for other years.
If you call be patient they do not have someone sitting there starring at a phone to answer immediately.
I am in Hendersonville, N.C. not too far away. I have five 72 & 73 verts but no 302.