Tri gauge cluster center console - plastic lens replacement

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Apr 2, 2021
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 3R7
Has anyone tried removing the 3 plastic lens covers on the center console gauge cluster (oil pressure, alt meter, water temp)?
Mine are yellowed out, so I want to replace the lenses....and Ohio mustang is selling replacement lens for about $30
With 40+ years of age, i expect the bezel to be quite brittle...and as they are a rare/expensive bezel....I certainly don’t want to damage the bezel.

I haven’t tried pulling the lenses, but It almost looks like the holding pins are melted onto the bezel.

Any comments suggestions are appreciated.


Have you tried polishing the lenses?  That can be done in place.  I use a product called micromesh - it's intended purpose is for polishing painted finishes on model cars but it works great on plastic automotive lenses.The only things the kit doesn't fix is really deep scratches or cracks.

The pins holding the bezel have spring loaded legs.  I thought you could get to both sides of the fastener once the cluster was removed.  I have pulled apart the one I have more than once, about the only thing I did was grab some angle nose pliers to help out from the opposite side.  I can get photos this weekend 


Good idea about using the plastic polish to buff up those lens covers.

I did use a polish on my speedo/tach lens cover, which worked great, but the tri-cluster gauge lens covers are in rough shape (in my opinion...I bought them off eBay about 15 years ago, when I started accumulating parts, while my car was parked waiting to be restored)

I believe the spring pins you refer to hold the 2 bezel pieces together, and are not the ones I am referring to.

The ones I am talking about fasten the 3 separate ~2inch round clear lens covers that you look through to see the gauges.

They appear to be melted plastic pins.....I looked on the backside of the bezel and nothing protrudes out the other side.

I will try and post a pic a bit later.

I am messing around with my gages.  Ammeter bezel is removed. Plastic is melted to hold bezels in place.


Thx all...

I figured that was melted on plastic...I guess with everything...I just have to be real careful removing...and then melt on new plastic to replace.  It looks like the key is to ensure I avoid breaking off the nubs, so I have a spot 

the good news is that as those melted plastic pins are hidden, so I can butcher it...and no one will ever know...   :)

Was it hard or just tedious to remove the alt meter lens?

Thx all...

I figured that was melted on plastic...I guess with everything...I just have to be real careful removing...and then melt on new plastic to replace.  It looks like the key is to ensure I avoid breaking off the nubs, so I have a spot 

the good news is that as those melted plastic pins are hidden, so I can butcher it...and no one will ever know...   :)

Was it hard or just tedious to remove the alt meter lens?
That pic is how it came to me probably 25 yrs ago. I am thinking a soldering tip as shown in pic may be helpful however there probably is not enuff plastic left on the studs?


I just did this on my car.  I used the no-heat option.  First take a screwdriver or knife and pop off the yellow plastic that was melted to retain the lens.  When you have each down to a nub, lift out the old lens and drop in the new.  For me, polishing the lenses was a non-starter. Then put a drop of super-glue (clear) on each stud where the lens is touching.  Hold the lenses on for a few minutes to let the super glue set, then leave it alone for a day to cure.  Done. The new lenses will outlive me!     

Yeah, I am in the same boat. I thought the vendors selling these lens would provide directions. NOT happening.
Additionally, I spent hours trying to find a YouTube video. Non-existent.
Thankfully, I found this. I was going to drill them out and use tiny screws.
Completed mine last night. Piece of cake!
I used the superglue technique. Worked like a charm.
Now, I am dealing with the main instrument cluster lens - mine has a clock.
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