Washington & Idaho


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Well-known member
Jul 8, 2010
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Coastal Alabama
My Car
'72 Q code Mach 1
I had to go to Spokane with work this past week. Got off early one afternoon while there & drove over to Idaho. I have to say I was very impressed. Never been there before & I really liked it. Went to a Cabela's and a REI store also while there. All we have here is a Bass Pro.

Anyway for those who live in the northwest, cool place you have there.

Im home this week but the following week it's St. Louis, Mo.

Dang, you were just down the road from me, kinda sorta. I call Missoula, Montana my "real" home, and Spokane is only a couple hours west of there. Northern Idaho shares a lot of beauty with northwestern Montana and Eastern Washington. Glad you had the chance to experience a little bit of what many call the Last Best Place.


I'm originally from Seattle, but I love Spokane and northern Idaho. My wife and I spent a few days there a couple years back. We drove to the summit of Mt. Spokane and went down to the river in downtown. That place is beautiful. I'm jealous Don!

Doc, I wish I would have known...I was thinking about continuing on to Montana since it was so close.

Yes! Very beautiful place Steve.
