71 Mach 1 paint color choice help


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Jan 20, 2022
Reaction score
Homer Glen, Il
My Car
1971 Mustang Mach 1 351c M-code, FMX, and a 3.25:1 posi 9-inch rear end
As I am progressing with my restoration of my 71 Mustang I am starting to second guess my color choice. When I bought the car I was looking for a 73 to replace my car from my high school/college years. I found a really solid 71 with the options that I wanted (fold down seat being the deal breaker) and bought it. I still planned on painting it Wimbledon white with black interior and black stripes like my 73 was back in the day. As the build continues and I look at other cars on this site and other sites, I am starting to really like the Grabber Blue that the previous owner painted the car. So now I am second guessing my plans and thinking Grabber blue with black interior and stripes would be great. The car was originally dark green metallic with a green interior but I'm just not a green guy.

So I thought I would ask people for opinions and any pictures you guys may have of your cars that are either Wimbledon white or Grabber blue to compare. I appreciate any pictures you guys can post. I am not near ready for paint yet but am trying to lock down a color.

White Mach 71 16.jpg

Or this?
Mach 1 Grabber Blue 2.jpg

I found these pics on the internet both look great I just can't decide which I want that I won't regret not choosing the other color later. Of course they are both 429 cars and my car is only a 351C but still get the idea.
If I was choosing a color combo it would be medium blue with Argent. Image borrowed from David Feldstein. I’m sure it will look great whatever color you choose.


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Well, just to really mix things up, my all time favorite would be 71 Grabber Lime and that was what I WAS going to paint my car until I fell in love with Light Pewter, code "V", with correctly painted black-out and correct stripes. (Don't look at my hood!!)
Really, it comes down to what YOU like and that's all that matters, however you'd better like it because paint jobs ain't cheap.


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If you like both colors about the same, I would keep the current blue, as it is always easier to paint a car the same color it was, than to have to do a color change. With wither color the car will be awesome.
Well, just to really mix things up, my all time favorite would be 71 Grabber Lime and that was what I WAS going to paint my car until I fell in love with Light Pewter, code "V", with correctly painted black-out and correct stripes. (Don't look at my hood!!)
Really, it comes down to what YOU like and that's all that matters, however you'd better like it because paint jobs ain't cheap.
You're absolutely correct paint jobs are not cheap and that's why I am trying to make sure it is the color I will want forever.

Nice car! What size wheels are on that?
If you like both colors about the same, I would keep the current blue, as it is always easier to paint a car the same color it was, than to have to do a color change. With wither color the car will be awesome.
You're right it is usually easier to keep the color it was, but I have had the empty shell media blasted and I epoxy primered the whole car inside and out. So there is no grabber blue or the original green left on the vehicle. It is a clean slate so to speak, to paint whichever color I choose, otherwise the last color would help make the decision.


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Personally, my favorite stock color is the light pewter, but I haven’t seen a stock color that doesn’t look great.

To your specific question though: if I was truly torn between the Wimbledon white and the grabber blue - like, truly 50/50 - I’d err on the side of the white because the blue is a little more ostentatious of a choice. That is to say that the grabber blue is a color that seems to go in and out over time, and is very bold. It’s sort of a downside-risk take; if you are really undecided as to which you prefer NOW, pick the one you have the least choice of regretting LATER. The white is a bit more timeless.

I say that as a proud owner of a 73 vert painted in glorious 71 grabber yellow. I love how unabashedly 70s it looks, but it’s not exactly subtle, and as trends have changed in colors it has looked more or less cool over time.
You're absolutely correct paint jobs are not cheap and that's why I am trying to make sure it is the color I will want forever.

Nice car! What size wheels are on that?
Tires are 235-60-R14 on 7" rims front 245-60-R14 on 8" rims rear. Nothing special. Long story as to why I kept with 14's. I'd go for 15's if I had to buy new wheels again.
Mine is Medium Bright Blue metallic aka Acapulco Blue, it's original color. I like the dark green/green on the 71-72s, it's not something everyone will do and I get the "not a green guy" thing. It's weird, but my group of friends only seem to be able to buy cars of one color. One friend has had a run of green cars dating back to the early 90's. Ever since I bought my 71 on '01, every classic I've bought to keep has been blue.

White works very well on these cars with the stripes and blackouts. Grabber blue is excellent as well, either with argent of black, but it really pops with a white interior. I've had red, it gets old. Pewter w/vermillion is my all time favorite.


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