31st Annual Mustangs By The Bay in San Diego,CA


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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2012
Reaction score
San Diego CA
My Car
1972 Mach 1 351C Gold Glow
1991 LX 5.0 Hatchback

This is a show put on by my mustang club. The Mustang Club of San Diego, and of course is basically for anyone w/ a mustang or nice ford in Southern California.

But there is a class for 71-73's (it's 1400 on the form) we've only had a proper class for 2 years, and it's always been a small turnout for the group (out of 300+ cars). In 2009 when I took the mach for the first time, there were 4, in 2010 we had 8, in 2011 we had 5, and so far this year we've only got 3 signed up.

here's the sign up form for anyone interested, the cut off point/date for registering is either 350 cars or sept 26th, whichever comes first....and w/ sept 26th it means it has to be in the mail by then.


It's in an amazing location, on a big park on a little peninsula down on san diego bay, w/ the bay on one side, and a marina on the other. Basically a typical SoCal image if there ever was one (short of a beach). So really hope a few people on her can attend...even if that does give me more competition,lol

...though my mach did get 2nd and a sponsors choice award last year. (so I'm not too worried,lol)

Make sure to post this next year, with a little more notice. Hopefully the paint on my car will be dry by then.

I need to check this more often, I would have been there. Sounds like a great time.

I don't have any mustang car. I want to buy this car but don't have much money. I will buy it soon.

la presa CA Locksmith
With your business ethics, you'll probably jimmy the lock on one.

Get lost, spammer - and find an honest living.


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