I have been doing this for my car and it does take time and persistence to collect up all of the parts you need. The gearbox itself is probably the easiest, although the most expensive. I would recommend buying one from a reputable rebuilder - it might cost more up front, but you only have to ship it once and you know you will be installing a known good part. I have noticed that the entire z-bar setup is now being reproduced - from the clutch pedal to the clutch fork - for about $450. This might be a good option as all of the used z-bars I have seen have egged out holes at the clutch fork pivot and most have egged out holes at the clutch pedal rod pivot. Don't forget the clutch fork and boot. As noted above, you will need a different pedal support brace and pedals. These are not reproduced, but they are available - check with Don or eBay. There are bushing kits and replacement clutch pedal springs and pedal pads, so as long as you get the correct brake pedal (manual vs power brakes - the location of the post for the master cylinder actuator rod are in different locations). You will need a shifter. Original Hurst shifters can be crazy expensive or not - so it pays to be patient. There are rebuild kits for these as well or you can send them to Hurst for refresh. Don't forget a shifter boot and fascia to replace your auto trans shifter. Finally, there is a different wiring harness for the reverse switch on the shifter. Midlife may be able to help out with the harness if eBay can't. These harnesses and switches are being reproduced.