Brake Booster Install

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I used the Leed brake conversion kit too, though I paid a brake shop to do the installation. It changed the driving nature of my car in a really good way - all of a sudden my car was acting like a normal car should and I was no longer having to pre-anticipate braking maneuvers at traffic lights or when approaching towards corner turns. However I did end up with a large vacuum leak somewhere inside the brake booster; it was toast so I ordered another one from Leed brakes and installed it easily myself.
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This video is very informative. The guy is fixing the clutch pedal but pedal hangar detail is very visible. This one has power pedal and separate pedal pivots that I was referring to. Cars with manual transmission and manual brakes share same pivot. There is a difference.

The 71-73s use separate pivot shafts, the shared shaft ended with the 70 model year.
Yep, I made a bash script that nukes the watermarks.

And conveniently enough, some PDF viewers will do it. Some of the manuals are created with multiple layers. There's one called "watermark". You can untick the box and the PDF viewer will not display it.

If I only understood scripting. I was able to delete the watermarks in Acrobat Pro.