C6 to 4 speed torino toploader RUG AR


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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2015
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Nova scotia Canada
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1973 sportsroof mustang
Hi Guy's

I just picked up a nice 4 speed toploader from a 70 torino RUG-AR , From what I have gathered it a bit longer than the mustang toploader, 27 inch vs 24. I currently am mid build putting my car back together and will most likely keep the C6 the wife, she won that battle, Either way Id like to start getting some parts together in case I convince her that the 4 speed is the way to go.

I have the tranny - bell housing- 302 fly wheel,

I'll also will have a v gate shifter for it once the guy i got the tranny from finds it.

I measured and my current C6 drive shaft will be too short,

Ive heard the c4 drive shaft will work with a mustang toploader but the torino transmission being 3 inches longer will make the c4 driveshaft too long?

With there not being many drive shaft shops around my area I will most likely have to have a new one the proper length made up.

The other part I'm not sure about is the tranny cross member, I haven't measured yet where the mount on the toploader will land.

Anyone put a torino toploader in a mustang yet? It was a 351 torino, and mine is a 351.

Can I just swap the tail housing from a mustang toploader to this one?

The rest of the stuff I need to swap over is easy to find/ fabricate- z bar or hydraulic release etc. Speedo cable etc

Also scored a Tach- mach 1 console with gauges wiring etc!!

Thanks in advance for your input.

RUGAR (1).jpg

You'll need a brake / clutch pedal assembly. Depending on the current gearing in the rear end, that may need to be changed to take advantage of the manual 4-spd. Speedo cable will need to be changed as well as the speedo gear.

I did that change using a RUG-AR top loader in the early 80's to a 71 Mach I had as a daily driver. I drove that car year round for about 4 years and then as a summer toy for another 15 years.. You've listed most of the items you'll need. I found it easier just to get a new driveshaft made to fit. I fabricated an extension plate out of 3/8" steel for the C-6 transmission mount which accommodated the top loader mounting location and worked just fine. In my case it was a budget build so quite a bit of time was spent in junkyards, shop bins, etc.

It's quite the learning experience.

You'll need a brake / clutch pedal assembly. Depending on the current gearing in the rear end, that may need to be changed to take advantage of the manual 4-spd. Speedo cable will need to be changed as well as the speedo gear.

I did that change using a RUG-AR top loader in the early 80's to a 71 Mach I had as a daily driver. I drove that car year round for about 4 years and then as a summer toy for another 15 years.. You've listed most of the items you'll need. I found it easier just to get a new driveshaft made to fit. I fabricated an extension plate out of 3/8" steel for the C-6 transmission mount which accommodated the top loader mounting location and worked just fine. In my case it was a budget build so quite a bit of time was spent in junkyards, shop bins, etc.

It's quite the learning experience.
Thanks for the input, figured custom shaft as well, I'm in no hurry so I'll keep my ears open for all the other parts I need.

All toploader crossmember mounting pads are in the same spot, but I think there are different cross members for C4/ Toploader vs. C6?

Also, I think the Torino shifted location is different than the Mustang, but there is an adapter if you are running a competition plus.

Absolutely the driveshaft would need to be shortened and the yoke spline count verified.

I have a Torino trans I picked up as well, so began digging into this.

Just reread your post- as you've noticed, the Torino is longer, so to swap a Mustang tailhousing you would also need to swap the main shaft.

Lastly, the V-gate will require floor surgery. It mounts high and out off of the trams so cutting a hole is necessary and would preclude using a console as well...

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Thanks so dumping the video gate lol and keeping an eye out for a Mustang tail housing and stock style shifter..

If you want to swap to a Mustang tail housing you will need the shorter main shaft also.

NPD used to sell an adapter plate to move the Torino shifter location. I think that it might be your best bet, then you can run a Comp Plus.

If you want to swap to a Mustang tail housing you will need the shorter main shaft also.

NPD used to sell an adapter plate to move the Torino shifter location. I think that it might be your best bet, then you can run a Comp Plus.
Thanks I'll have to dig into it more


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