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Apr 27, 2012
Reaction score
Nashville, Tennessee
My Car
1973 Q code Mach 1
Well it has taken some time to coordinate with the shop, but this morning I limped down to the transmission shop with my bad shock and all and left it for throwout bearing replacement. New shock should arrive today or tomorrow and I'll change out the fronts and Saturday I should be cruising comfortably with a little luck.

hopefully your car will be back soon. dont forget friday is national collector car appreciation day!

Well Throwout Bearing Surgery is a pretty simple operation and I think the patient should have a full recovery and feel good as new almost immediatley!! :D

Gee wish I could fo cruisin in my Mach 1 saturday! Guess I'll just take the GT convertible out for a while!!!

It's done! It's seems right. Had to drive in the rain :( Dried off my car with a shammy, almost as good as washing it ;)

Some years ago I bought those ridiculously expensive lifetime collector gaskets, it seems I am getting my money's worth.

Change the front shocks if they arrive and I can cruise without a care in the world (more or less)

You guys should have seen the hot blond chick that picked me up and gave me a ride into work-hubba hubba!

Hey...feel lucky you get to replace a throwout bearing. Those of us with MTE (manual transmission envy) think that is a small inconvenience for the luxury of a stick.

She is petite, built, bright, beautiful, rich and . . . married with children :(

She is an attorney and needed my help with a hearing at 9 this morning so we met at the shop at 8:20

I don't chase married women, not for any reason. Been there, done that, got the scars, learned the lesson.

Hey...feel lucky you get to replace a throwout bearing. Those of us with MTE (manual transmission envy) think that is a small inconvenience for the luxury of a stick.
This I understand and agree with, unfortunately the one being replaced was put in last month with the new clutch and was bad from day 1.

Matt did me a solid and didn't charge me for it and I did offer to pay.

I am capable of doing it myself, but I don't have a lift or transmission jack and I have limited time and multiple projects.

I should have a spare toploader back from the rebuilder anytime now. Maybe I'll buy a car to put around all my spare drivetrain parts.

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She is petite, built, bright, beautiful, rich and . . . married with children :(

She is an attorney and needed my help with a hearing at 9 this morning so we met at the shop at 8:20

I don't chase married women, not for any reason. Been there, done that, got the scars, learned the lesson.

Hey...feel lucky you get to replace a throwout bearing. Those of us with MTE (manual transmission envy) think that is a small inconvenience for the luxury of a stick.
This I understand and agree with, unfortunately the one being replaced was put in last month with the new clutch and was bad from day 1.

Matt did me a solid and didn't charge me for it and I did offer to pay.

I am capable of doing it myself, but I don't have a lift or transmission jack and I have limited time and multiple projects.

I should have a spare toploader back from the rebuilder anytime now. Maybe I'll buy a car to put around all my spare drivetrain parts.
I cant recall ever meeting a blonde that was bright and rich.

and let the Blonde jokes began..................................:angel:
If you like to break the ice at a new job, when introduced offer to introduce a blonde joke. When no one minds, ask the people that DON't know how to tell the difference between a blonde and brunette to raise their hand.

Then point at all the hand raisers and go Blonde Blonde Blonde.

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