Door and trunk lock set

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Well-known member
Apr 1, 2021
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Hello Gents,

Is there a supplier out there that sells a lock set just for the doors and trunk only?

My ignition cylinder already has a key and is fully functional.

There is no key for the doors or trunk on my car. Going off of memory Ford used a squarish key for the ignition and oval key for everything else. Every set I can find has the ignition and doors and no trunk or a complete set that includes ignition which I don’t need. There is plenty of trunk or doors only, but I don’t want 3 separate keys. 

Thanks for any help, I am new to this...


On mine the square key is for ignition and doors, oval for trunk.

It's easy to have the locks re-keyed, although it's probably cheaper to just buy a new set, if you can't do it yourself.

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The key for ignition is also for the doors. The trunk in the oval head. If you look at them the offsets are opposite so no way to cut a square head to fit the trunk. You can put two different cars on one key. Only one side of the key actually hits the tumblers it is two sided so never in wrong position. I built lock tooling for Ford Hurd Lock made most of them.
You can have the ingnition and the doors changed to match or you can do yourself if you have some old locks to get the right pins from.

Well shoot, maybe I should have checked first before asking. You know what they say when you “assume” something. Thanks guys!

