Ed's 1971 Mach 1 Full Restoration


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Wow, really really impressive stuff here! And quite the inspiration to see it achieved in a garage and not some full blown professional shop. Gives me hope that one day mine can be nice :D

Wow - nice job! ::thumb::

Looking at the things you've done to yours, I have to say, "It's like Deja Vu, all over again." I think mine started out a bit rustier than yours, but otherwise it looks like we're doing similar things.

Keep up the good work!

Good job and really looks nice. That metal and paint shop looks familiar. How far are you from Byron? My drive was about 8 hours each way and I did the trip 4 or 5 times doing it round trip in 1 day.

If you have been to Mustang Central then it should look familiar :) Fortunately for me its 10 minutes from my house. Didn't know about him until I was talking with someone at a show. Pretty happy I found the shop...wasn't just the work he has done. But I pick his brain every time I'm out there and got a lot of hints and ideas for all the work I have done.

Paint went on the body this week. While there they showed me what is next. Sand with 1500 grit, then 2500 grit, then 3000 grit with an orbital sander, rubbing compound and buffed, rubbing compound and then buffed again. It looked great as you can see the buffed qtr panel in the pics. Crazy part is they will use two more different rubbing compounds and buff and then finally wax.







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I think you mentioned it, but what Blue is that? Year and code?

I hate the light blue of my 1973 and this is more the blue I like!

Keep the pictures coming!!!

Matey, that is so nice, if there was a barely dressed lady standing in front, I'd politely ask her to move!
As in move out of the building, or just move over by your side, or perhaps model beside the car:D

A few teasers. Not going as fast as I would like, but its getting done right. The care has almost been painted twice because of perfection. The body, doors and fenders have seen two paint jobs...the more paint and clear coat the better :) Hoping to have it home in two weeks.

By the way, I love the reflection of the sky in the hood.



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Matey, that is so nice, if there was a barely dressed lady standing in front, I'd politely ask her to move!
As in move out of the building, or just move over by your side, or perhaps model beside the car:D
Yes, exactly! There's not too many things more exciting than a barely clad woman, but this paint job is one of them... I'm in awe!
