FMX Wiring Harness to Shifter Question

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Aug 9, 2020
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North Idaho & The Bahamas
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1973 Mach 1
Some other Fords
So having removed my FMX transmission and installed a Tremec T-5 I would like to make up a short wiring harness.  I want to plug into the existing connector (previously connected to harness that ran to the automatic transmission shifter) on the engine side of the firewall.

Before I start cutting wires I am hoping for some verification that I have the correct plan:

Confirm that the Neutral Safety Switch wiring (prevents start unless in neutral) are the two Red with Light Blue stripe wires?

Confirm that the back up light wires are the Black with Violet stripe and White with Violet stripe wires?

Further that in both cases, these wires need to be closed to provide function.

Thank you!


Yes, red with light blue stripe are for the neutral safety switch, and connected together to provide power to the starter solenoid.

The back up light wires are actually called white with purple stripe and black with pink stripe, and are connected together to provide power to the lamps. The white with purple stripe wire is the one that connects to the fuse block and provides the power and the black/pink wire runs to the lamps.

Thanks Don!!  I needed to know that as well.

Yes, red with light blue stripe are for the neutral safety switch, and connected together to provide power to the starter solenoid.

The back up light wires are actually called white with purple stripe and black with pink stripe, and are connected together to provide power to the lamps. The white with purple stripe wire is the one that connects to the fuse block and provides the power and the black/pink wire runs to the lamps.
Thanks a lot! -Chris

It depends on whether or not you want to keep the seatbelt warning circuit active. The stock manual transmissions had a separate switch for the seatbelt warning circuit. What switches does your Tremec have?

It depends on whether or not you want to keep the seatbelt warning circuit active. The stock manual transmissions had a separate switch for the seatbelt warning circuit. What switches does your Tremec have?
There are only two switches on the T-5.  A neutral safety switch and a backup light switch, both of which I intend to wire into the factory harness.

I do not care about keeping the seatbelt warning circuit active.  In that case can I get away with either shorting the factory harness connection or do I leave the circuit open?
