I must be sick.. I uttered the word SELL!


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Jul 7, 2010
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My Car
1971 Grabber Green Mach 1
2013 Race Red California Special Convertible
1964 Corvette Convertible
I'm really considering a newer Mustang. I told the wife this and she actually agreed. Looks like her 73 might be up for sale. Of course this conversation was after a few beers this weekend. We'll see what happens this spring when it comes out of storage.

I'm really considering a newer Mustang. I told the wife this and she actually agreed. Looks like her 73 might be up for sale. Of course this conversation was after a few beers this weekend. We'll see what happens this spring when it comes out of storage.
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :(

I won't tell you what to do but I have a feeling you might regret it after. Then again I just got mine 2 years ago after 36 years of waiting. And I do want other cars but I think I will add to the collection instead. I doubt I will ever sell this car.

Sorry, but I gotta hang with my esteemed colleagues here - keep it. The 'new' cars are nice enough, but they lack character - not to mention they're too damn complicated to work on anymore.

Like Eric said, "I doubt I'll ever sell mine." I've been waiting almost 30 years to get mine as well. Even though it came "some assembly required - battery not included," and is still more of a pile than an actual car, I dumped my cool little '95 Honda Civic hatchback soon after because it just isn't as sexy as a classic Mustang - running or not. Once I got the Rustang off the trailer, I looked over at my little Honda (that I resurrected from the dead a few years earlier) and decided it was time to go.

Ya know - if her car's in storage, then you might just leave it in storage and go get something newer anyway. Sounds like she's just wanting something newer and cool as a daily driver.

Good luck with your decision.

OMG! I'm gonna pretend like I never read this thread...

LOL! Seriously, it's your car but I hope you give it some serious thought before pulling the trigger...I've sold stuff before that I still regret!

I've gotta agree. I understand the comfort and drivability of a new one but try to keep yours. I'd sell the kids first. lol

Step away form the car,sir!!!! Don't do it !!

I had one of those cars that the minute I saw it leave I knew it was a mistake! That was in 1980 and I still think about it! Some cars just can not be replaced !!

I own a brand new mustang and the '72.

The new car is nice, comfortable, gets good gas mileage, has A/C, heated seats, its real fast, and rides real smooth.

It also looks just like every other new mustang on the road,

Everytime I get gas in the '72 someone tells me how nice it is, or badass, or cool it is. EVERYTIME.

Keep the '73. Turn it into a daily driver, screw the storage.

I own a brand new mustang and the '72.

The new car is nice, comfortable, gets good gas mileage, has A/C, heated seats, its real fast, and rides real smooth.

It also looks just like every other new mustang on the road,

Everytime I get gas in the '72 someone tells me how nice it is, or badass, or cool it is. EVERYTIME.

Keep the '73. Turn it into a daily driver, screw the storage.
I like your attitude here Widowmaker! Hey 71 mach351, I love the picture of your green 71, has me drooling!:D

Everytime I fueled up the 65 one of three things are always heard and sometimes all three.

1. Awesome car / nice car / cool ride, etc.

2. Is it for sale? My answer, no.

3. I had one of those or my dad, uncle, sister, etc. Had one but sold it...best car I ever had. They don't make em like that anymore.

I don't get any coments on the 2005 and get comment on the 93 about 1/2 the time. But the 65...every time. I suppose the 71 mach1 I'm in the process of buying will get comments too.

I say keep it!

While the consensus here seems clear, I'd offer this. Don't make your decision while the car is put away.

When spring arrives, crank it up, hit the highway and THEN make your decision as you're cruising down the road. :D


Everytime I fueled up the 65 one of three things are always heard and sometimes all three.

1. Awesome car / nice car / cool ride, etc.

2. Is it for sale? My answer, no.

3. I had one of those or my dad, uncle, sister, etc. Had one but sold it...best car I ever had. They don't make em like that anymore.

I don't get any coments on the 2005 and get comment on the 93 about 1/2 the time. But the 65...every time. I suppose the 71 mach1 I'm in the process of buying will get comments too.

I say keep it!

X2 on the comments EVERY time someone sees the 'vert when we stop. My favorites are from older guys (well, now, I guess that includes me these days) who say what a great car it is, and how they had something similar when they were young, and get a dreamy look in their eyes and begin to stare of into space (boy, that really IS me these days). :)

On those occasions, I feel that I've provided a chance for that person to enjoy a little trip back to memory lane. Who knows what effect it may have on him - maybe he'll go out an get a little hot rod for himself, or maybe just get the garage cleaned out and take the missus out for a romantic dinner. Who knows.

It's your call, but you know as well as I do that there's a lot more to these 'Stangs than driveability and performance. Good luck with your decision.


I don't envy your delima(?). I agree with everyone else. Sleep on it. A while back things got tight and I told the wife I would sell my Mach. Her response was she would kick my butt if I did. I think it would have been one of my biggest mistakes.


Years ago I sold my 70 Mach one and soon as the guy started down the street with it I regretted it. I still regret it and my wife knows it's still a sore spot. I think that's why she didn't mind too much when I bought the 73. I always get the thumbs up when I drive her but like so many other guys have said the new mustang is just like every other mustang on the road.

In the end it's your decision. But sleep on it before you act!

Do what's right for you....I just hope you won't regret it like I did when I sold my 69 Mach in 72....Don't get me wrong, I really like my 07, but there's going to be something special about the 73 when I get it back....whichever way you go, I hope you're happy with your decision.....bill

Rick - my previous post notwithstanding (I lost track of time since way back in July :p), even if you sell her, you'll still have the Green Machine for the adrenaline rush. :D

Do what feels right for you and the little lady. Please let us know how things turn out!

