Thanks for the welcome. Funny thing is that I've been working on this car for two years. I joined another forum and was really excited but everyone there was so uptight... you'd think I called their mother names because I dared to build a "restomod". I dropped off the site after a short while because I got tired of hearing "You should take it back to original." Honestly, the car was dead and was a rusted, rotting piece of crap. Now, it's a rolling piece of crap, but it's mine! I've loved every minute of it, even the frustrating ones. That last pic is of the custom rat-rod inspired headliner. I completely gutted the interior and redid it all, but wanted the inside the have some personality.
I'll hafta check out the pics when I get home from work this evening (the proxy server blocks most image hosting sites :-/ ), but with regards to faithful restoration vs. restomod: I got your back. Mine's more of what you'd call a 'cosmetically period-correct restomod,' meaning I'm making it look old school, but tossing in some modern performance stuff.
We all pretty much believe in the "it's your car, build it how you like" mantra, because we're all here to enjoy the cars and our own little [exclusive] niche in the Mustang world... and I think we're a better, closer-knit community for it.
The only thing that really bugs me about "keeping it original," is when things are only half-@ssed in that area and the individual stands their ground, usually as a know-it-all and won't listen to more informed opinions. We usually see most of that in Craigslist and eBay ads (and periodically at car shows

), so don't be surprised when you see those things. I personally feel that if you're going to do it, do it right. Sometimes something doesn't quite go right, and that's fine - we all understand... but blatant half-@ssed efforts tend to get rewarded with some folks pointing and picking things apart - again, we're talking about the "keeping it original" aspect when we see how others have neglected or cut corners in restoring our cars in the past.
Restomod is restomod... and coming up with cool, new things to make the cars better is always welcome. We love to see new stuff!
I can't wait to see your pics now.
