Marti Auto email?

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Oct 1, 2024
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Forest, VA
My Car
69-2014 Mustangs
After several attempts to reach Marti Auto on the phone, I left voicemail for them over 24 hours ago... no return call so far. They don't list an email address for contact. I want to order an elite Marti report, but I don't want the framing because I like to put everything in a 3 ring binder. I don't see any way to de-select that item on the order form. On the site they're saying the Elite report is a 4 month process to fulfill the order.
I understand they are busy due to the demand, but if demand is that great that it's taking 4 months to fill orders, nobody is answering the phone, and there's no email address, maybe they could raise prices 5% across the board, and hire some help... They provide a valuable service, and I'd be willing to pay a little more to get the service...
After several attempts to reach Marti Auto on the phone, I left voicemail for them over 24 hours ago... no return call so far. They don't list an email address for contact. I want to order an elite Marti report, but I don't want the framing because I like to put everything in a 3 ring binder. I don't see any way to de-select that item on the order form. On the site they're saying the Elite report is a 4 month process to fulfill the order.
I understand they are busy due to the demand, but if demand is that great that it's taking 4 months to fill orders, nobody is answering the phone, and there's no email address, maybe they could raise prices 5% across the board, and hire some help... They provide a valuable service, and I'd be willing to pay a little more to get the service...
[email protected]
After several attempts to reach Marti Auto on the phone, I left voicemail for them over 24 hours ago... no return call so far. They don't list an email address for contact. I want to order an elite Marti report, but I don't want the framing because I like to put everything in a 3 ring binder. I don't see any way to de-select that item on the order form. On the site they're saying the Elite report is a 4 month process to fulfill the order.
I understand they are busy due to the demand, but if demand is that great that it's taking 4 months to fill orders, nobody is answering the phone, and there's no email address, maybe they could raise prices 5% across the board, and hire some help... They provide a valuable service, and I'd be willing to pay a little more to get the service...
That Is what I went through to get my Marti report! Just hang in there!!
If that's a good email address, they don't list it on their site. I'll try it, but maybe they don't want to be bothered with email.
I would try contacting them through Faceplant, but Faceplant suspended my account as soon as I signed up, and there's absolutely no way to even find out from them what happened..
I had zero luck getting a hold of that guy after I found a consistent mistake in his Marti reports. I sent all the info, he just ignored... I have minimal faith in his reports moving forward, preferring to rely on the factory invoice for accuracy.
I've heard back from Hayden at Marti Auto. I explained that I wanted to get the "Elite" report without the frame. He's telling me that I have to get the frame because it's what's 'approved' by Ford.
Really? Is this true? Why in the world would Ford care if the papers are in a frame or not? So I have to pay for the frame, as well as the shipping, then I'm going to take everything out of the frame for my binder and throw the frame in the garbage?? There's little choice with businesses these days. You take what they give you or get nothing.. This makes me want to climb up a wall and have blood shoot out of my eyes..
I've heard back from Hayden at Marti Auto. I explained that I wanted to get the "Elite" report without the frame. He's telling me that I have to get the frame because it's what's 'approved' by Ford.
Really? Is this true? Why in the world would Ford care if the papers are in a frame or not? So I have to pay for the frame, as well as the shipping, then I'm going to take everything out of the frame for my binder and throw the frame in the garbage?? There's little choice with businesses these days. You take what they give you or get nothing.. This makes me want to climb up a wall and have blood shoot out of my eyes..
I believe that from Ford. I just bought a new Explorer and could not get the split bench rear seat with a V-6. What one has to do with the other is beyond me. I think it was their way to get more people to buy the I-4 instead of the V-6.
I believe that from Ford. I just bought a new Explorer and could not get the split bench rear seat with a V-6. What one has to do with the other is beyond me. I think it was their way to get more people to buy the I-4 instead of the V-6.
Yeah, that stinks.. You're paying crazy money for it anyway, and you should be able to get the damn seats you want..
Just find one that is wrecked and get the split seat out of it..
I've heard back from Hayden at Marti Auto. I explained that I wanted to get the "Elite" report without the frame. He's telling me that I have to get the frame because it's what's 'approved' by Ford.
Really? Is this true? Why in the world would Ford care if the papers are in a frame or not? So I have to pay for the frame, as well as the shipping, then I'm going to take everything out of the frame for my binder and throw the frame in the garbage?? There's little choice with businesses these days. You take what they give you or get nothing.. This makes me want to climb up a wall and have blood shoot out of my eyes..
What kind of waiting time did they give you? I ordered mine in October and been given a date of January 29th 2025. There must be a 3rd party involved because I find it had to believe that they are that busy. After ordering my elite report they informed me that my original invoice from ford to the dealership was available. I ordered it and got it within a week.

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