Power Steering on1969 Shelby leaks from filler tube


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Nov 12, 2024
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Why would a (like new) power steering pump on a 1969 351 push fluid out the filler tube. It's not over filled and I replaced the dipstick in case that was it. The car also steers hard when the car is barely moving, but steers fine when driving down the road. I don't mind replacing the pump unless it's the ram instead, or swollen lines.
Were there any plugs in the inlet and outlet of the replacement pump? Some sort of obstruction would cause your pump to do this. Even an air restriction in the system, perhaps.
Did you blead the air out? This is what I do...

Raise front wheels and start engine. Turn wheel 1/4" turn left/Right--Then 1/2 turn LR, then full turn side to side a few times to burp the system...
Can't imagine installing a pump with a plug in it, but worth checking out. Thanks for the tip. Burping the lines is worth while too once I get it running again. In the process of changing engine and auto/trans gaskets that are leaking a little. Solid car and runs great, but guessing it was rebuilt 10 plus years ago. Thanks again for the help.

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