This afternoon I received an letter with the answer to a fun list of questions I sent him. Here are the questions and his answers and/or remarks:
1. When you stepped off the bus at Parris Island and placed your feet on the yellow footprints, your first thought was:
A. I’ve changed my mind and I would like to go home now.
B. I want my blanky.
Mason answered => C. Bring it on! OOH-RAH!
Mason answered => D. Other - [shaking, nervous, didn't know what's next].
2. When you received your peanut butter vaccination shot you:
A. Fainted.
B. Pounded your leg with your fist to make the pain go away.
Mason answered => C. Went to the end of the line so you could do it again.
Mason answered => D. Other - [Just sore the next day].
3. What time do you get up in the morning?
A. Zero-dark thirty.
Mason answered => B. 0400.
C. 0500.
D. Whenever we feel like it.
Mason answered => E. Other - [too early].
4. What time do you go to bed?
A. 2100.
B. 2300.
C. Marine Recruits don’t need sleep OOH-RAH!
Mason answered => D. Other - [2000 (8PM)].
5. Article 86 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice prohibits:
A. Blinking at the position of attention.
B. Sleeping while standing up during fire watch from 2AM to 3AM.
Mason answered => C. Making fun of the Senior Drill Instructor (SDI) behind his back.
D. Absence without leave.
E. More than a five minute break, after 10 minutes of one-armed push-ups.
6. How much time does it take you to take a shower?
A. 10 seconds.
Mason answered => B. 30 seconds.
C. One minute.
D. Other ____________________________.
7. The first time you and your SDI stood toe to toe, nose to nose, you:
A. Fainted.
B. Threw up.
C. Wanted to throw up.
Mason answered => D. Giggled. - [i give him the death look back.]
E. Cried.
F. Repeated silently to yourself… ”Find a happy place, find a happy place”.
8. When the SDI is in your face screaming, you should:
A. Grin and bear it.
B. Not laugh as they would not be amused.
Mason answered => C. Look him/her right in the eye.
D. Politely suggest that there is no need to yell at this Recruit.
Mason answered => E. Other - [i really don't get yelled at thjat much. I strive to be a good recruit.]
9. How would you rate the chow?
A. What chow?
Mason answered => B. I know we have chow but I don't have time to taste it.
C. Very good, comparable to a nice steakhouse.
D. Other ____________________________.
10. What is the worst thing about boot camp so far?
- [The DIs spitting in your face. HAHA. I freaked one out, he spit on my face then I took my tongue out and licked my chin showing him I tasted it. LOL
You should have seen his facial expression...was priceless, since then he calls me crazy. hahaha]