Well that sucks


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We have always enjoyed the holidays and my wife loves to go all out and really decorate the house. On Monday ,while I was out, she decided to try and hang a Merry Christmas plack on the wall while standing on a short step ladder. As we all know, us older folks have no business being on these, especially when no one else is around. You already know whats coming, yes, she fell off. Lucky she had her cell phone by her and was able to call 911. She broke her arm at the wrist, her leg ( tibia and fibula) right below the knee and the fibula again at the ankle.

She had surgery on both her arm and leg yesterday and is doing as well as can be expected for now. She gets to go home today (insurance companies want you out if you are capable of fogging a mirror ) but is going to need a lot of assistance from me over the next few months. We are grateful that it wasn't any worse than this.

So, I'm going to take a minute and preach to everyone, but especially the older guys and gals.
STAY the heck off of ladders and if you do need to get on one make sure someone is there to steady it and if you do fall hopefully to catch or break your fall. Remember, as we get older we bounce less and break more.

For your viewing enjoyment.

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Wishing your wife a speedy recovery. Here’s a little story that might cheer you up. It’s about an old guy who has no business on a ladder. We have a swamp next to our house and a tree was growing towards our magnolia tree from this swamp. This branch was about 6 inches in diameter and it had a vine growing in it and I was afraid of that vine growing into our magnolia. I proceeded to put a ladder against the offending tree , the branch that needed to be cut was about 14 feet up. I have an electric chain saw ( with a cord) I climb up and proceed to cut. I was almost all the way through the branch when it fell, only problem it didn’t fall down it wrapped around and pinned me to the ladder. As it was in the process of doing this it pulled the extension cord off that fell to the ground. Did I mention that it also pulled my pants down , so there I am on the side of my property pinned to a ladder , pants down around my ankles and no electric to the saw. Thankfully the only thing that got hurt was my pride.
I hope she makes a speedy recovery.
Another story about getting old (or dumb) and ladders. The other day I had the Mustang on the lift when I was installing the cable between the starter and the battery. So I was working underneath by the starter and then needed to route the cable up to the battery. Since I had the car up on the lift I went on the ladder to reach over the hood. I was there like 5 minutes and I had forgotten that I was up in the ladder so stepped back like if I was on the ground. I ended up jumping down and being okay but if I had a few more years on me the story would have been a lot different.
I hope she makes a speedy recovery.
Another story about getting old (or dumb) and ladders. The other day I had the Mustang on the lift when I was installing the cable between the starter and the battery. So I was working underneath by the starter and then needed to route the cable up to the battery. Since I had the car up on the lift I went on the ladder to reach over the hood. I was there like 5 minutes and I had forgotten that I was up in the ladder so stepped back like if I was on the ground. I ended up jumping down and being okay but if I had a few more years on me the story would have been a lot different.
Glad you are ok. You were lucky you didn't get hurt. The one I hate the most is when you go up 4 steps but think you only went 3 - look out coming down.
I want to apologize for the length. It got away from me. :)
As so many others have commented, I'm sorry to hear it happened. Accidents occur all the time to both the young and old but usually its the "old" that it hurts the most. And for those that find themselves entering a new phase of their lives, it can be a most uncomfortable change. At what point are we too old to do something that we may have done for years?
I believe the key is to be cognizant of where we are and what we are doing all the time. Never "assume! " I noticed that in several of the posts above. I'm well over 70 and have been active all my life. But as I get older I have found myself being more careful doing chores that I have done all along. Example; my home is covered by trees and it requires that I clean my roof monthly, being it blowing leaves or bleaching it to remove mold and mildew. Where I used to walk down the ladder facing outward I now find myself hanging on with both hands and facing the ladder as I watch the rungs all the way to the ground. (Should have been doing that all along). My children are nowhere near to assist and there is no one who wants to do menial chores any more. You have to do what you have to do.
For those of you reading this that are younger, I suggest that you take the time to assist your elderly parents or neighbors while you can, even if they protest. They will appreciate it more than you know.
As an aside, There is a gentleman that I have been following since the 70's who is still actively racing competitively and winning. I doubt that anyone on this forum will recognize the name, Dave Weitzenhof, but he has been winning championships all through his career in open-wheel racing, both Formula Ford, now Formula F, and Formula C. He turned 80 this year and still going strong. When you loose the edge you quit or get hurt. I hope to be active for many more years! (Lord willing!) :cool:

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