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Sep 12, 2015
Reaction score
SW Ontario
My Car
1971 Mustang Mach 1, M code, 4 speed.
This forum is the absolute best place for help, knowledge and a fun place to hang out with like minded people for our hobby.
I'm NOT any part of the administration, but I am a site supporter and as a supporter, I feel I need to support the forum with a little cash now and again.
It isn't much, but it all matters to keep the forum up and running.
As a Canadian, the exchange rate makes a donation a little more expensive, but it's worth the 38% we currently are paying.
I guess what I'm saying is I can do it, so can you. The knowledge I've gained over the last 9-10 years I've been here is worth every penny. We cannot expect to keep OUR site up and running without financial help.
I am not Mustang knowledgeable to be a part of the administration, but I am a supporter as well. I agree that if we all give a little to keep everything going, we will all to be able to continue sharing this awesome resource. I have learned so much Mustang information in the last two years from this site, I feel it is the least I can do is to buy the stickers and t-shirts when they are offered and be a supporting member. Besides, the stickers and t-shirts are cool, LOL. :LOL:
It's never been clear to me whether we need to pay $29 yearly as a site supporter or just one time. So helping out with some extra cash to keep the site running works for me.
How does a member donate to this forum? I am in the process of selling my farm here in Central Ohio (a real estate hot spot market) and will donate a substantial amount of money to worthy causes (military veteran programs, pilot dogs etc.) I would like to put this forum on my list. You can't take money with you when you die.
Click your account logo/avatar. In your case it's the 'B' and look under account details, then scroll to the bottom. Your avatar is to the right of 3 dashed lines under the main 7173Mustangs.com banner on top of the page. I just went looking myself!
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I just changed by supporting membership from annual to lifetime. I looked around trying to find a donate button. I'll
look based on the instructions in the previous posts.
I thought there used to be a Donate button at the top of the page, maybe it's been removed or just moved somewhere else.
I'm surprised the admins have not picked up on this yet.
Thank you all for wanting to support the forum. Especially the Supporting Members that still want to donate more.
You are correct that the banner with the donation button on it cannot be seen by supporting members when logged in, but can be seen when logged out and and if you are not a Supporting Member.

Thank you all once again.
Perhaps it's just on my page, but when I log out, I noticed the donate banner still only shows $2244 donated out of the $3881 needed. I would have thought that would have gone up some lately.