Thanks man, I thought shaker too. A 69 shaker scoop would be great. I think I'll look around to see if I can find one. Clear plexi would be out of the realm of my abilities. Lol. It's great to be back working on the car. I've been cutting thing down to accommodate the chop. E brake pedal , all the little stuff that takes a bunch of time with what seams like little progress. I've gotta find a 7" brake booster set up I found one at Macs but it's over $400 bucks. May just redo it to fit the summit unit that's. $189. Your cars looking great man love all the subtle changes you've been tweaking. Goin in the right direction.I appreciate the fact that you need the clearance for the motor, but I would love to see it lower and as a shaker. Even more radical, in clear plexi but that's just the "HOT WHEELS" kid in me. In my opinion, on your unique build I don't think it deserves anything less than RADICAL!! Glad your on the car again Ray.
I also like e enkei's without the center caps, I have nos detomasso wheel center emblem that would fit in the enkei's too. Thanks for the input
I have a further plan for the hood, I think you'll like it , it's getting a little sculpting very soon. Thanks , I knew I wasn't done with that, lol, I'm with ya.Looks mean! ::thumb::
I'm still getting used to what you did with the leading edge of the hood. It's a little odd - still pretty cool... just gotta get used to it and keep an open mind until it's done.
You do awesome work - can't wait to see it all come together. :bravo:
Thanks man, do ya think it needs some sort of grill in there or just open? I have the ring around those inner headlights to use for turn signals.I like the apron with no marker lights. Updates the look somehow.
That's just a cheapy plastic horse in there, for build effect . I'm working on a front grill logo emblem with a friend who cuts billet. Also a side lower stripe , similar to pantera that says MUSTERA RC ,in a script, and a taillight stripe also with just RC on it . The finish details are few but will , I think , be effective.That's a cool shot. Says "move out the way". I'd lose the horse and make my own badge. A build like that needs its own identity. Besides, I've always said, if they don't know what it is, they don't need to know. Lol. Really though, that car will be doing some serious head turning.